Sunday, November 19, 2023

πŸ• What is your dog thinking?

Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong." - W.R. Purche
Happy Sunday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
True/False: Dogs can smell food from 12 miles away.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
How to Know What Your Dog is Feeling
Ever wondered if you can understand what your dog is thinking? Since our canine friends can't talk, they use body language to communicate. By learning to interpret their body language, you can get a good sense of your dog's feelings.

So, what messages is your dog's body language sending? Observe their entire body and consider the situation they're in for context.
  • Ears: In many breeds, ears that stand up and face forward suggest a happy, confident dog. Relaxed ears usually hang neutrally. Ears pinned back tightly often indicate fear or discomfort.
  • Eyes: Relaxed eyes and eyebrows are signs of a calm dog. Stress might be indicated by "whale eye," where a lot of the white part of their eyes shows. A direct, intense stare could mean your dog prefers you not to come closer.
  • Tail: Tail-wagging isn't always positive. A gently wagging, relaxed tail usually means a calm dog. A tail wagging lower than usual might show nervousness, while a high-raised tail often signals anxiety.
  • Face: A slightly open mouth often means your dog is relaxed. A tightly closed mouth could point to anxiety. Signs like lip licking and yawning might also suggest your dog is stressed.
Understanding your dog's body language can greatly help in making them feel more secure and content!
Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
Pup-Approved Mini Quiche Creations for Canine Chefs
Brunch, the delightful blend of breakfast and lunch, is a favorite for many, but our canine friends often miss out on this mealtime joy. To give your dog a taste of brunch, why not whip up these dog-friendly mini quiches?

Zucchini and Bacon Mini Quiche Treats for Dogs:
  • Ingredients: 3 free-range eggs, half a zucchini finely chopped, 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, and 3 strips of cooked, chopped free-range bacon.
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Sprinkle a little cheese into each muffin cup.
  3. Whisk the eggs until they're evenly colored.
  4. Stir in the zucchini, the rest of the cheese, and the bacon into the eggs.
  5. Distribute the mixture evenly into the muffin cups.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the eggs puff up and lose their shine.
Happiness Signals in Dogs & the Need to Unwind
It's heartwarming to witness our dogs express their happiness. A wagging tail, a playful bounce, or a contented sigh are just a few signs that our canine companions are feeling good and truly content. As they radiate positivity and joy, it serves as a gentle reminder that we, as their owners, should also prioritize our well-being.

Just as our dogs find joy in simple pleasures, it's important for us to take moments to relax and unwind. Whether it's spending quality time with our pets, indulging in hobbies we love, or simply enjoying some peaceful solitude, these moments of relaxation rejuvenate our spirits and strengthen the bond we share with our four-legged friends. In taking care of ourselves, we can provide even better care for our beloved dogs, creating a harmonious balance of happiness and well-being for all.

One of our favorite ways we've found to unwind is Mood. If you've ever struggled to enjoy cannabis due to the harshness of smoking or vaping, you're not alone. That's why these new cannabis gummies caught our eye.

Mood is an online dispensary that has invented a "joint within a gummy" that's extremely potent yet federally legal. Their gummies are formulated to tap into the human body's endocannabinoid system. 

Although this system was discovered in the 1990s, farmers and scientists at Mood were among the first to figure out how to tap into it with cannabis gummies. Just 1 of their rapid-onset THC gummies can get you feeling right within 5 minutes! Get 20% off your first order with code FIRST20.
Thank you to Mood for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Mood here!
Paw-fect Picks: A Tail-Wagging Guide to Choosing the Best Dog Food!
Adopting a new furry friend? Navigating the maze of dog food options can be overwhelming.

Tips for Selecting the Ideal Dog Food for Your New Companion:
  • Maintain Consistency: A new home is a big adjustment. If your dog was thriving on a specific diet, continue with it during the initial settling period before considering any dietary changes.
  • Age Matters: Opt for dog food tailored to your pet's life stage – whether they're a puppy, adult, or senior. Breed-specific options are also available, addressing unique health needs of different breeds.
  • Ingredient Check: Look for a seal of approval from the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) on the dog food label. This ensures the food provides a complete and balanced diet.
  • Wet, Dry, or Mixed: In arid climates, wet food can aid in hydration. Alternatively, you can mix wet food with dry kibble, or go exclusively with dry food.
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Bone AppΓ©tit!
Delicious and nutritious food is a key ingredient in keeping our pups healthy and happy. Just as we take care to provide our canine companions with well-balanced meals, it's equally important that we prioritize our own nutrition. A varied and healthy diet isn't just beneficial for our pets; it's essential for our own well-being too. By nourishing ourselves with a diet rich in diverse nutrients, we can maintain our vitality and ensure we have the energy and strength to enjoy life alongside our furry friends. So, let's remember that good nutrition isn't just a treat for our pups but a gift we should also bestow upon ourselves.

That's why we've been loving Clean Plates Club. Their newsletter is full of healthy, easy recipes that are practical and delicious for a busy weeknight! We are particularly enjoying their stuffed acorn squash recipes, and their vegan butternut squash mac and cheese!

Clean Plates Club carefully researches the science behind health trends and offer unbiased opinions on all the newest wellness products too as well as developing their seriously good-for-your recipes! Join over 50,000 subscribers and sign up for free here to start receiving delicious recipes in your inbox!
Thanks to Clean Plates Club for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Sign up for free here to start receiving delicious recipes!
Did You Know:
Answer: True! Dogs have an incredible sense of smell that allows them to detect food from very long distances. 
A Whiskered Expedition with Humans and Cats in Vietnam
During the early days of the pandemic, Mai Do Minh stumbled upon an emaciated cat alone in the rain. After bringing the cat home, they quickly became inseparable friends who loved to explore together. Minh had an idea: he and his cat would…
Read More Here
Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is Your Dogs Sidekick.

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