Thursday, November 30, 2023

πŸ• scared puppy finds a happy ending

"My little dog – a heartbeat at my feet." – Edith Wharton
Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: What's a dog's favorite instrument?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Sad Husky Puppy Finds a Happy Home
When a rescue team went into a property in Harbin, China, they found more than 2,000 dogs, but one stood out for the saddest reason. This husky puppy was afraid and hiding in the corner. The volunteers worked to gain the pup's trust. It was clear she had been neglected for a significant amount of time. They named the dog Harriet and got her in to see a vet who estimated her age at about eight months old.

Harriet stayed with the volunteer team for two months to recover and emerge from her shell. Meanwhile, a woman in Canada was inspired to adopt Harriet after seeing her photograph online. A volunteer flew with Harriet to San Francisco where the two met for the first time. She is now settled into her new home with a new name, Bailey. She lives with three other dogs, and they get along so well. We love a happy adoption story! 
Image courtesy of I Heart Dogs
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Welcome to Daily Dig, where we aim to spread positivity through our love for dogs! Want a dose of positivity delivered to your email inbox every morning? If so, subscribe to Daily Dig today!

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A Dog's First Vacation to the Ocean
Bishop hit the jackpot when his family adopted him. After settling into his new home, he took his first vacation, and the destination was the ocean. They took a road trip to Maine, and Bishop got to experience all the sights and smells of the Atlantic Ocean. He even got some tiny tastes of french fries and lobster rolls. These were experiences that the whole family can remember fondly. 
Image courtesy of The Animal Rescue
Keep Your Pup Stress-Free During The Holidays
During the holidays, it's essential to prioritize your dog's well-being to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable time for your furry friend. Here are some tips to keep the holidays relaxed for your pup:
  1. Maintain a consistent routine: Stick to regular feeding schedules, walks, and playtime to provide stability for your dog.
  2. Create a quiet space: Set up a safe and quiet area where your dog can retreat if the holiday festivities become overwhelming.
  3. Watch for potential hazards: Be mindful of decorations like tinsel or toxic plants that could harm your dog, and keep them out of reach.
  4. Inform guests about your dog's needs: Let guests know about your dog's preferences and encourage them to approach calmly to avoid unnecessary stress.
A Tip To Keep You Stress-Free...
Worried about hosting family and friends this year? We have the secret to instant compliments… introducing Wildgrain.

Wildgrain delivers artisan sourdough (and pasta… and pastries) that bakes from frozen in 25 minutes, with no thawing required. Just pop your carb of choice in the oven, enjoy having your home smell like a French bakery, and bask in the warmth of endless compliments.

Unlike typical supermarket bread, Wildgrain uses a slow fermentation process that's easier on your belly, lower in sugar, and rich in nutrients. Everything comes from (and supports) small bakeries around the country.

As if 15,000 5-star reviews aren't enough, Wildgrain is offering free croissants for life as a limited-time incentive! So, obviously… order now.
Thank you to Wildgrain for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Wildgrain here!
Can Dogs Eat Hemp Seeds?
Hemp seeds are known as a super-food because they are rich in healthy fats, like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They contain just trace amounts of THC, so they don't cause any psychoactive effects like marijuana. There are some great benefits for dogs with hemp seeds in their diet.
  • Rich in essential fatty acids. 
  • High-quality protein source.
  • Helps lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Beneficial for digestive health.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Assists with weight management.
If you want to introduce hemp seeds to your dog's diet, start with just a small amount, like half of a tablespoon. You can sprinkle it over their food or make your own homemade treats. Hemp seed oil is another popular option for dogs. 

Some dogs may experience some side effects or allergic reactions to hemp seeds. Watch for discomfort in digestion because of the amount of fiber in hemp seeds. It's also good to talk to your vet before introducing hemp seeds because it can impact some medications and conditions in dogs.
Image courtesy of Keep the Tail Wagging
Why A Healthy Planet Is Good For Our Pups
Taking care of our planet is not just important for people but also for our furry friends, like dogs. Here are some reasons why a healthy planet is good for our pups:
  1. Clean Air: When we take care of the planet, we ensure that the air is clean for our dogs to breathe during their outdoor adventures.
  2. Fresh Water: Keeping the planet healthy means protecting clean water sources, providing our dogs with fresh water to drink and play in.
  3. Safe Spaces: Taking care of the environment creates safe and clean spaces for our dogs to explore without encountering harmful substances.
  4. Happy Habitats: Protecting nature helps preserve the homes of various animals, making sure our dogs can enjoy a diverse and thriving ecosystem.
  5. Less Pollution: By reducing pollution and using less plastic, we make the world a cleaner place for our dogs, promoting their overall well-being.
If you're interested in learning about specific action steps you can take to help protect our planet, we recommend you check out the Important Not Important newsletter. 

We've been loving articles such as "Climate Economics: The Math Isn't Mathing", "Explainer: Deforestation", and "How Can We Use AI For Good?". You can sign up for free right here! Check out Important Not Important and let us know what you think!
Thanks to Important Not Important for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Sign up for free right here to start receving the latest environmental news and tips to your inbox!
Parklets Could Help Big Cities Go Greener
Picture this: a small, unused parking lot transformed into a community hub, complete with seating, gardens and good vibes. That's basically the concept behind 'parklets.' 

Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
Did You Know:
Answer: A trom-BONE
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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