Saturday, November 18, 2023

Lululemon Founder Investing Fortune to Cure His Disease (Newser Deep Dive)

Newser Newsletter
November 18, 2023
The founder of athleisure company Lululemon has a rare form of muscular dystrophy, and he's spending millions to find a cure before time runs out. Bloomberg details Chip Wilson's story, from becoming an entrepreneur in the outdoor and fitness realm (when he was first diagnosed in the late '80s), to launching the billion-dollar company that sells high-end yoga pants in 1998, and what he's done since he stepped down from leadership at Lululemon after putting a hiking boot in his mouth one too many times. Keep reading
As far as scams go, it's a strange and confusing one—and on the rise. The New York Times delves into the world of "strategic theft," which it describes as "part identity theft, part extortion," with a real-world case involving 55,000 unusually flavored Kit Kats. Keep reading
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Miracle Brand sheets use a proprietary silver infused thread that eliminates 99% of the bacteria normally found in cotton bedding. The result is an amazingly soft, self-cooling, and self-cleaning sheet that takes advantage of the heat-dispersing properties of silver. It's perhaps the best kept secret of luxury hotels and Airbnbs to use this type of bedding, and they are now available to the public. Try Risk Free >

Unless you're a geography buff, you may never have heard of the tiny Pacific territory of Tokelau. It's no wonder: As Jacob Judah explains in the MIT Technology Review, Tokelau is made up of three small atolls, has only about 1,400 inhabitants, and didn't even get telephone service until 1997. Keep reading
Alligator snapping turtles have long been a Cajun delicacy, so much so that the prehistoric-looking creatures' numbers are dwindling. As the Texas Tribune explains, Texas has strict laws to protect the freshwater turtles—which can easily top 100 pounds and live longer than the researchers who study them—but Louisiana does not. Keep reading
From the Archives
"It was, in short, the OJ Simpson trial of its era." And yet somehow, Skip Hollandsworth had never heard of it, despite having spent decades on the Texas crime beat. Keep reading
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