Monday, November 13, 2023

🐕 dog breeds that can fly with you on the airplane

"Everything I know, I learned from dogs."
- Nora Roberts

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: Why did the dog go to the vet?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Maya is a Sun Worshiper
Maya loves the warm summer weather (don't we all), and she lounges in the sun as much as possible. Even in the winter months, she moves to find the sunbeams coming through the windows. When she's outside, she is the social butterfly of the neighborhood. They even refer to her as Norm from "Cheers." 

Throughout her years, Maya suffered from many ailments. She has neck and leg issues and respiratory issues. When one thing would be fixed, another would pop up, but it never impacted her spirit. Her sunny personality is contagious. 
Image courtesy of The Animal Rescue Site.
Dog of the Day: Meet Luna
Our Daily Dig reader, Audrey, submitted Luna for DOTD after reading about the science of petting dogs and the release of oxytocin in humans. Luna is four years old and has brought so much happiness to the humans in her life. Audrey even said that Luna rescued her. Thanks for sharing this adorable pup! 
Treat Your Pup, Treat Yourself!
We're all about spoiling our adorable pup with all sorts of yummy treats, enjoying every wag of their tail and gleeful chomp. But, let's be honest, sometimes we deserve a treat too! There's nothing like savoring something sweet or savory, giving ourselves a little pick-me-up that feels like a warm hug for our taste buds. It's all about finding that perfect balance between making our furry friend's day and treating ourselves to a little slice of delicious happiness.

Meet Wildgrain. The first bake-from-frozen membership for sourdough bread, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries. Every item bakes in just 25 minutes, so you can enjoy homemade quality whenever you need it. Sounds amazing, doesn't it?

Here's the best part: When you become a Wildgrain member today, you'll unlock free croissants for life. Yep, you read that right. It's a delicious offer that's too good to pass up. 

Uncertain about your holiday plans? You'll be notified four days before each charge, providing flexibility to modify, reschedule, skip, or cancel your subscription anytime.
Thank you to Wildgrain for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Wildgrain here!
Breeds That Can Tag Along on Travels

Vacations can be hard to plan when you're a dog owner. The good news is that there are some options to bring your dog along with you. Some airlines allow you to bring your dog in a special carrier under the seat in front of you. Many small breeds will meet the requirements to travel at your feet. 

Dog Breeds that Fit Under the Airplane Seat
  • Yorkshire Terrier - These low-maintenance pups fit perfectly in carriers and can be great companions.
  • Miniature Pinscher - Min Pins are known to bark, but if their anxiety is managed, they easily fit in the carriers.
  • King Charles Cavalier Spaniel - Check the weight of the pet beforehand to make sure they meet requirements, but these loyal companions can be great on the plane.
  • Maltese - This teacup breed is known for their calm demeanor, and they are hypoallergenic, so other passengers will not be bothered. 
  • Miniature Dachshund - This smaller version of the Dachshund should have no problem fitting under the seat. They tend to be more anxious, so you might want to help with calming. 
  • Chihuahua - This tiny breed fits perfectly in smaller bags, and they are easy to carry. Make sure to take them to the bathroom right before the flight because their bladders are small.
Check out the list of 27 breeds that would fit under the airplane seat if you are looking for a travel companion to add to your family.
Image courtesy of The Dog Snobs.
The Importance Of A Healthy (And Tasty) Diet!
Just like many other devoted dog parents, we always prioritize our beloved furry friends, showering them with affection and ensuring they get the best possible care, including a healthy diet! However, it's equally vital to remember to take care of ourselves and our own well-being too!

Eating healthily lays the groundwork for a vibrant and satisfying life. By incorporating nutrient-dense foods into our meals, we provide our bodies with the crucial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for optimal functioning. This not only boosts physical well-being by strengthening the immune system and supporting organ health but also fosters mental sharpness and emotional resilience. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet can lead to sustained energy levels, an uplifted mood, and a reduced risk of chronic ailments.

That's why we've been loving Clean Plates Club. Their newsletter is full of healthy, easy recipes that are practical and delicious for a busy weeknight! We are particularly enjoying their stuffed acorn squash recipes, and their vegan butternut squash mac and cheese!

Clean Plates Club carefully researches the science behind health trends and offers unbiased opinions on all the newest wellness products as well as developing their seriously good-for-your recipes! Join over 50,000 subscribers and sign up here to start receiving delicious recipes in your inbox!
Thanks to Clean Plates Club for sponsoring The Canopy. Sign up for free here!
Did You Know:
Answer: Because he was feeling "ruff"
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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