Tuesday, November 28, 2023

🐕 do heartbeat toys help puppies settle in?

"No animal I know of can consistently be more of a friend and companion than a dog." – Stanley Leinwoll
Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
True or false: Humans have better night vision than dogs.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
This Dog Said Challenge Accepted
All the owners wanted was to plant a tree and keep it safe from their curious pup. But the dog looked at this as a challenge. They came outside and found the tree on the ground, and the dog was locked inside the tiny little barrier fence. The video is pretty impressive
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Welcome to Daily Dig, where we aim to spread positivity through our love for dogs! Want a dose of positivity delivered to your email inbox every morning? If so, subscribe to Daily Dig today!

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Do Heartbeat Toys Work for Puppies?
Heartbeat toys are plush toys that resemble a sleeping dog. People purchase them for their puppies to help them feel like their littermates are still sleeping beside them. They come with a realistic pulsing heartbeat inside the plush animals. When the puppies cuddle up next to them, they will feel that heartbeat and easily adjust to their new surroundings. 

Ask breeders to rub the animal on the other pups to help pick up some familiar scents. Some toys also have a warming feature, so it feels like an actual live pup. You can choose the colors and sizes that make the most sense for your dog. The small battery-powered heartbeat can easily be removed so the animal can be thrown in the washing machine. 

This toy is not just for new puppies. It's great for anxious adult dogs who are afraid of loud noises or scared of new surroundings. Many people use it for dogs recovering from medical procedures as well. It's a sweet toy that would make a great gift for new puppy parents.
Image courtesy of Fidose of Reality
Pup (And Wallet) Friendly Tips
Ensuring the well-being of our beloved canine companions need not strain our finances. There are numerous ways to save money while still guaranteeing that our dogs are content and healthy. Here are some of our favorite ways to save money while still spoiling our pups!
  • Bulk Purchase Pet Supplies: Buy pet supplies, such as poop bags, in bulk to take advantage of bulk discounts and reduce the overall cost per item.
  • Regular Dental Care: Implement a regular dental care routine at home, including brushing your dog's teeth. This can prevent dental issues that may lead to expensive dental procedures.
  • DIY Grooming: Learn to handle basic grooming tasks at home, such as nail trimming and brushing. This can save money on professional grooming services.
  • Homemade Dog Treats: Bake your own dog treats using simple ingredients like peanut butter, oats, and pumpkin. It's often more cost-effective than buying pre-packaged treats.
Beyond these savings in pet care, our homes themselves can be untapped sources of financial benefit. Our homes aren't just living spaces; they're valuable investments that appreciate over time. By maintaining and upgrading them, we enhance market value, fostering financial security. This, coupled with economical pet care, allows us to nurture our pups and financial well-being simultaneously.

With a major surge in home values across the country, American homeowners are tapping into their equity to borrow money. Best of all, homeowners who currently have low rates can borrow money from their homes without increasing their current mortgage. If you need cash that can be used for anything from home renovations, paying off debt, or going on vacation, get started today. Most homeowners will qualify for tens of thousands of dollars with many getting over $200,000 and the process is very simple. Take just 2 minutes to get a quote.
Thank you to Lendgo for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Lendgo here!
Congenital Stationary Night Blindness in Dogs
Yesterday's newsletter covered day blindness, so we are looking at another eye condition with opposite effects today. Congenital stationary night blindness in dogs is a condition that affects a dog's retina. This impacts a canine's sight during the night. If you see signs that your dog is suffering from symptoms, make sure to work with your vet to determine the right course of treatment.

Dogs are born with this condition. It's more common in some breeds, like Beagles and Briards, but it can happen with any dog. You'll notice increased impairment in your pet's sight at night and sometimes in the daytime. The gene mutation gives lipids the chance to grow around the eye. 

There is no treatment for this condition. Instead, your vet will give you some ideas to make the dog's life a bit easier. Take them for more walks and exercise during the day when it's easier to see and remove any obstacles at home so they can move around. 
Image courtesy of Dog Time
Travelling With Your Pup
Now more than ever, traveling with our dogs has become remarkably convenient. With a surge in pet-friendly accommodations, transportation options, and a greater understanding of canine needs, embarking on adventures with our furry companions is easier than before. Airlines, hotels, and even public spaces have adapted to accommodate dogs, making it simpler for pet owners to explore new places without compromising on their four-legged friends' comfort and safety. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the importance of pets as integral members of our families, enhancing the joy and ease of travel experiences for both humans and their canine companions.

If you or your beloved furry friend have an adventurous and travel-locing spirit, perhaps you are familiar with (or even have your own) bucket lists! If you relish new travel experiences, you should check out the Seatback Pocket newsletter.

Seatback Pocket is a FREE weekly newsletter that helps travel lovers like you discover truly unique places, activities, and events around the world.

It's the only travel newsletter we always open when we get it every Monday, and it takes just a few minutes to read. Every email features just one incredible travel experience that you'll just have to add to your bucket list. Click here to get on their list now, and start discovering some bucket list-worthy experiences for yourself!
Thanks to Seatback Pocket for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Learn more here!
Does Planting Trees Really Make a Difference?
You've likely heard of countless eco-initiatives that use trees as their top strategy – companies that plant trees for every purchase, airlines that plant trees for every flight, and so on. Many of you have probably also seen local efforts for community tree planting.

But have you ever wondered...
Did You Know:
Answer: False! Dogs' night vision is better than ours. 
Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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