Monday, November 20, 2023

πŸ• can your dog share turkey on thanksgiving?

"I have caught more ills from people sneezing over me and giving me virus infections than from kissing dogs."
- Barbara Woodhouse

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a rose?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Photographer Helps Pups Get Adopted
Rachel Rogers (@trailsandbears) uses her photography skills to help feature dogs who are waiting for someone to adopt them. She is a volunteer dog walker and takes these adoptable pups out on trails and hikes and snaps some adorable photos to help boost their profiles. She started doing this years ago, and it became so popular. Now, she volunteers with over 30 rescues, mostly in Canada, and has taken more than 300 dogs for adventures. 

The mission of each photo shoot is to showcase the dog's personality. Every weird dog has a weird human out there just waiting to bring them home. Follow her Instagram account to see more of these photos. 
Image courtesy of @trailsandbears
A Paw-some Holiday Hack!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we can't help but express gratitude for our loyal pups, who undoubtedly make the holiday preparations brighter and less stressful. Their boundless enthusiasm and unconditional love bring an extra layer of joy to the bustling kitchen and the entire festive atmosphere. Gathering the family together becomes even more special with the presence of our four-legged friends, as they effortlessly add warmth and laughter to the celebration. To make the holiday preparations a breeze, we've discovered a hack that ensures a stress-free Thanksgiving. 

Make hosting a breeze with Wildgrain. Their flexible membership brings artisanal sourdough, fresh pasta, and mouthwatering pastries to your doorstep. Better yet, their innovative bake-from-frozen delights are ready in just 25 minutes, so you can savor all the flavor without the hassle. But don't just take our word for it. Join 15,000+ 5-star reviewers who celebrate the convenience and flavor of Wildgrain's sourdough, pasta, and pastries. Order now!
Thank you to Wildgrain for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Wildgrain here!
Dog of the Day: Meet Molly
Thanks to our reader, Jen, for sending this photo of Molly. She's a nine-and-a-half-year-old bulldog from Minnesota, and she has been counting down the days until the holiday season kicks off. Molly has two human brothers, so she loves the time of year when there is wrapping paper to play with and lots of extra snuggles. Hopefully, she's been very nice this year. 
Image courtesy of our Daily Dig reader, Jen
Dogs From The Future
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed about the latest advancements and developments is more crucial than ever. Did you know that there are numerous technological innovations tailored for our canine companions? Here are some intriguing insights into the future of dogs:
  • In the foreseeable future, advances in biotechnology may enable the development of tailor-made diets for dogs based on their genetic makeup, ensuring optimal nutrition and overall well-being.
  • Anticipate cutting-edge wearable technology for dogs, featuring smart collars equipped with health monitoring sensors. These devices will offer real-time data on a dog's vital signs, activity levels, and even emotions, providing invaluable insights for pet owners and veterinarians.
  • Envision future strides in artificial intelligence leading to the creation of interactive robotic companions for dogs. These realistic robotic counterparts could engage in play, provide companionship, and simulate various activities, enhancing the lives of our canine friends through technology.

Being informed nurtures our intellectual growth and empowers us to actively shape a more connected and knowledgeable world. That's why we kickstart our mornings with Early Chirp, our trusted source for the latest breakthroughs in tech and science, as well as updates on global events. This free daily newsletter curates entertaining and informative stories every morning, directly delivered to your inbox. Subscribe for free here! Share your thoughts on how you enjoy starting your mornings with Early Chirp – we'd love to hear from you!

Thanks to Early Chirp for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Sign up for free here!
Should Your Dog Get Turkey on Thanksgiving?
With many family gatherings and meals on the calendar this time of year, you might wonder if it's safe to share a little bite of turkey with your dog. It's important to be careful before sharing any food scraps with your dog, however. 

Turkey that is cooked plainly and without skin and bones is safe for dogs. Many food brands and treats use this as a main ingredient. But the turkey you serve your family on Thanksgiving is likely not plain. The stuffing inside can contain dangerous ingredients like onions, garlic, and certain spices. 

If you want to share a small piece of meat with your dog, ensure there are no bones or skin and that it isn't touching any other items, like gravy or stuffing. To play it safe, make something special for your dog that is completely safe and keep the people's food on the table. 
Image courtesy of Paw Tracks
Did You Know:
Answer: A Collie-flower!
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is Your Dogs Sidekick.

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