Thursday, November 9, 2023

πŸ• tips for puppy proofing your house

"Dogs are how people would be if the important stuff is all that mattered to us."
- Ashley Lorenzana

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: What kind of dog does a scientist have?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
The Golden Bachelor is Helping Senior Dogs Get a Second Chance
The Golden Bachelor debuted on ABC in September, and the star, Gerry Turner, is 72 and looking for a second chance at love. Best Friends Animal Society decided to work with ABC to promote a few of their senior dogs and cats looking for a second chance. The organization is waiving adoption fees for senior pets through the show's finale on November 30.

Each week, the organization will feature an adoptable senior pet to help inspire people to consider a senior pet when adopting. The first impression rose was given to 11-year-old Zella, who loves soft toys, belly rubs, and short walks in the neighborhood. Gerry is helping show people that age is just a number. These animals deserve their own happy ending, too. 
Image courtesy of The Animal Rescue Site.
Digging Out A Good Deal
It's no surprise that we all want the best for our dogs, and this often causes us to seek out our furry companions's favorite food, toys, treats, and more. However, this can be a challenge if you are solely looking in brick-and-mortar stores for your pup. 

Thankfully, online shopping has made it super easy to find and buy dog products! From dog food to toys and accessories, you can get it all online. Amazon specifically, with its fast delivery times and efficiency, has been a game changer. You can even read reviews to help you decide between the products.

There was a time when we had to jot down our shopping lists with pens and brave the crowded malls. Then Amazon came along like a shopping superhero. You're probably enjoying free shipping and exclusive shows, but did you know that there are more benefits you might not know about? 

We've discovered how to make the most of your Amazon membership with these 10 hidden perks from Brad's deals. You can sign up now to start getting the best deals, delivered straight to your inbox. Check out Brad's deals for yourself here!
Thank you to Brad's Deals for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Brad's Deals here!
How to Puppy Proof Your House
Puppies are the cutest, but they can cause much trouble and damage if you are not prepared to bring them into your home. Puppy-proofing not only protects your house, but it helps protect the puppy and prevents them from getting hurt. Start with the basics and introduce your dog slowly to new rooms and spaces within your home and yard. Use these tips to ensure your home is ready for your new addition.

The Basics
  • Set up a crate to help your dog have a safe space, and work on crate training. 
  • Make a puppy pad station to help train your dog to go potty in specific places. 
Living Room 
  • Remove small objects, strings, and anything your puppy could get its mouth on.
  • Stabilize decor items.
  • Organize cables and wires, and add cord protectors when possible. 
  • Move plants and check to ensure you have no toxic plants where dogs can reach them. 
  • Steady heavy items. 
  • Cover up furniture to prevent chewing.
  • Keep dogs out of the cooking area. 
  • Use childproof locks. 
  • Seal off gaps that pups can fit through and possibly get stuck. 
  • Only use soap and shampoo made for dogs.
  • Move dangerous items and medicines to the top shelf.
  • Leave the toilet lid closed.
  • Use pet-safe cleaners.
Bedroom and Other Rooms
  • Choose pup-safe window blinds and keep windows partially closed.
  • Secure cords and other items.
  • Block off stairs using gates and close any gaps.
Backyard and Garden
  • Supervise your puppy outside at all times.
  • Check for any holes or gaps in the fence. 
  • Research plants in the yard and ensure none are toxic.
  • Secure any lawn ornaments and furniture outside.
Image courtesy of Rover.
Healthy Eats For You And Your Pup
We, like plenty of other pup parents, always put our precious pups first whether through love and affection, or ensuring they get the right diet! Sometimes though, it is important to remember to think of ourselves and our own health too!

Healthy eating forms the cornerstone of a vibrant and fulfilling life. By incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet, you provide your body with the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs to thrive. Not only does this promote better physical well-being by bolstering the immune system and supporting organ function, but it also nurtures mental clarity and emotional stability. Moreover, maintaining a balanced diet can contribute to sustainable energy levels, improved mood, and a reduced risk of chronic illnesses.

That's why we've been loving Clean Plates Club. Their newsletter is full of healthy, easy recipes that are practical and delicious for a busy weeknight! We are particularly enjoying their stuffed acorn squash recipes, and their vegan butternut squash mac and cheese!

Clean Plates Club carefully researches the science behind health trends and offers unbiased opinions on all the newest wellness products as well as developing their seriously good-for-your recipes! Join over 50,000 subscribers and sign up here to start receiving delicious recipes in your inbox!
Thanks to Clean Plates Club for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Sign up for free here!
Dog DNA Tests
A DNA test is a great way to learn more about your dog and their health. These tests will give you more information, especially if you rescue a dog, about their breed and any possible health risks. You can choose between many different brands of DNA tests now, and the results are typically in within a few weeks. Each brand offers unique features, so choose the best one for you and your pup.

Once you get the kit in the mail, it will come with a swab to collect a sample of your dog's DNA. It's usually just a quick saliva swap in their mouth and cheek cells. You'll send this back to the company for analysis. The accuracy depends on the company and test you choose, but most are at least 90% accurate, according to Forever Vets.
Image courtesy of Dog Time.
Did You Know:
Answer: A Lab.
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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