Saturday, November 18, 2023

🐕 Dog house inspires home decor

"Everything I know, I learned from dogs." - Nora Roberts
Happy Saturday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
True or False: 10% of dogs experience separation anxiety.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Home Inspired by a Dog House
Looking for an affordable way to revamp your home? A family in Toronto faced a similar challenge, wanting to refresh their cramped living space. They focused on their dog's comfort and ended up transforming their home into an open, inviting area, all while sticking to a budget.

The renovation required a complete overhaul to incorporate a discreet dog bed. This led to a significant redesign, with StudioAC stepping in to install a versatile storage unit that became the centerpiece of the downstairs area.

By choosing cost-effective materials and integrating IKEA products, the designers managed to stay within financial limits. The end result was impressive: not only did their dog gain a snug resting place, but the entire living area became more spacious, airy, and welcoming. This makeover proves that prioritizing your pet's needs can also significantly enhance the comfort and appeal of your home for its human inhabitants.
Image courtesy of
Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
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8 Typical Indicators of Anxiety in Dogs
Many dogs, like humans, experience anxiety in various forms, such as separation, environmental, or social anxiety. Recognizing your dog's signs of discomfort is crucial for providing comfort or removing them from stressful situations.

Here are eight signs indicating your dog might be feeling anxious:
  • Unexplained Panting: Dogs pant often, but excessive panting without a clear reason can be a sign of anxiety.
  • Pacing: Similar to humans, dogs pace back and forth when they're anxious or worried.
  • Barking: Dogs bark for various reasons, often as a way to capture your attention when anxious.
  • Whining: A reliable indicator of heightened emotional distress in dogs.
  • Shaking: Dogs might shake due to being cold or frightened, which can be a sign of anxiety.
  • Inappropriate Elimination: Even well-trained dogs might have accidents indoors when they're anxious.
  • Aggression: Anxiety can lead dogs to display aggressive behaviors if they feel threatened or scared.
  • Destructive Chewing: Anxious dogs sometimes chew on shoes or other objects as a coping mechanism.
A House is Not a Home Without Our Pups
Our homes are not just structures of brick and mortar; they are sanctuaries of comfort and security for us and our beloved dogs, where countless memories are made and cherished. These spaces, filled with the warmth of family and the joyful presence of our furry companions, hold a special place in our hearts.

Beyond their emotional value, homes also represent a significant financial asset. They are often the most substantial investment individuals make in their lifetime. The value of a home can appreciate over time, contributing to personal wealth. This financial aspect makes homeownership not just a matter of emotional attachment, but also a crucial component of long-term financial planning and stability. As we care for our homes and our dogs, we are also nurturing a valuable asset that can provide financial security and opportunities for the future.

With a major surge in home values across the country, American homeowners are tapping into their equity to borrow money. Best of all, homeowners who currently have low rates can borrow money from their homes without increasing their current mortgage. If you need cash that can be used for anything from home renovations, paying off debt, or going on vacation, get started today. Most homeowners will qualify for tens of thousands of dollars with many getting over $200,000 and the process is very simple. Take just 2 minutes to get a quote.
Thank you to Lendgo for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Lendgo here!
Dog's Hilarious Reaction to Finding More of His Bone
This fortunate pup woke up and burst into a joyful dance first thing in the morning, thrilled to find his treat from the previous night still there. I'm sure many of us can connect with that excitement, and this video is sure to brighten your day. The adorable dance of happiness he does is just too cute. Here's hoping he savored that bone right away!
Does Your Stress Affect Your Dog's Well-being?
Dogs are incredibly attuned to their owners' emotions, often mirroring the feelings they sense in their human companions. When an owner experiences anxiety and stress, it can create a ripple effect, impacting the emotional well-being of their dog. These sensitive animals can pick up on subtle changes in behavior, tone of voice, and even body language, which can lead them to feel anxious and stressed in response. This shared emotional state is a testament to the deep bond between dogs and their owners, but it also highlights the importance of managing one's own stress to foster a calm and happy environment for both. Here are three easy tips to help manage anxiety and stress:
  • Mindfulness: Incorporate activities like meditation and deep breathing to stay present and alleviate stress.
  • Balanced Lifestyle: Maintain overall well-being through regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep, recognizing the connection between physical and mental health.
  • Social Connections: Foster meaningful relationships with supportive friends and family, as social engagement contributes significantly to emotional resilience and mental well-being.
Elevating your mental health with practical tips doesn't have to be a solo journey. If you're intrigued by topics like mind hacks, mental health, productivity, and high performance, Potencia Mind's newsletter is a tailored resource just for you. Cutting through the internet noise, it delivers curated insights directly to your inbox.  Sign up now and explore ways to enhance your mental well-being.
Thanks to Potencia Mind for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Sign up for free now!
Did You Know:
False. 14-17% of dogs experience separation anxiety.
Craft a Quick Grab-and-Go Pet Bowl
Simplify your pet's mealtime with this handy pet bowl that's perfect for meals on the move. Here's what you'll need…
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