Tuesday, November 21, 2023

πŸ• meet the two-legged pup, Dexter

"Every dog has his day, unless he loses his tail, then he has a weak-end."
- June Carter Cash

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
True or False: Dogs can tell by the smell of urine if the dog that peed was happy or angry.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Dexter Walks Upright on Two Legs
Dexter has gained popularity on TikTok because he walks upright with his two back legs. After escaping the yard as a young pup and getting hit by a moving van, he lost some use of his legs. His dad got him immediate medical attention and a wheelchair to use, but Dexter taught himself to walk on his two back legs instead. 

Dexter likes running, watching over the yard, and getting attention from everyone he meets on the street. It's hard to ignore a dog that is standing on two legs. 
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Recipe: Do(g)-It-Yourself Paw Print Keepsakes
Salt dough ornaments are a fun way to do some DIY with your dog and get ready for the holiday season at the same time. Paw prints are a beautiful way to represent your dog on the tree or somewhere in your home for the holidays (or even year-round.) This recipe makes about five medium paw print ornaments, but you can easily make a bigger batch for more craft time. 

Salt Dough Ornaments
You'll need: A straw, ribbon or twine, cookie cutters, parchment paper, one cup of flour, ½ cup of salt iodized, and ½ cup of warm water
  1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
  2. Mix all the ingredients together in a medium bowl until a dough forms.
  3. Roll out the dough on a flat area covered in flour to prevent sticking. 
  4. Carefully press your dog's paw into the dough. Cut around the paw print using a cookie cutter. Use the drinking straw to poke a hole in the top.
  5. Place cut pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about an hour or until completely dry and hard.
  6. Once cool, string ribbon or twine through the hole, and it's ready to hang. 
Image courtesy of Love Mischka
Spot The Real Thanksgiving Pup!
Two of these Thanksgiving-ready pups are real and two are not... can you tell which ones are the real pups? See below for the answer!
If you find the AI-technology that generated some of these pups incredible, you should check out Constant Contact.

If you're curious about this impressive technology and want to try it out firsthand, Constant Contact is a great place to start. They use innovative AI tools to make marketing a whole lot smarter. Their innovative AI Content Generator simplifies the creative process, allowing you to effortlessly craft compelling marketing content, innovative articles, and even engaging social media posts!

Want to try it out for yourself? Click here to learn more or test it out now!

*Answer: The top 2 pups are AI-generated!
Thank you to Constant Contact for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Constant Contact here!
Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
Protein-Rich Superfoods for Your Dog
Protein is incredibly important in a dog's diet. It provides energy, supports muscle development, and ensures overall health. Some superfoods have gained popularity thanks to their nutrient-rich makeup, and some of them are really great for dogs. If you've been looking for some options to introduce to your dog's diet, check out these three protein-rich superfoods.
  • Spirulina - This will definitely boost your dog's muscles. It's great for the immune and gastrointestinal systems as well. This comes in a powder you can mix with your dog's food or find treats that include this ingredient. 
  • Quinoa - This is a complete protein choice with all nine essential amino acids, plus it's packed with fiber, magnesium, and various B vitamins. It's a gluten-free super grain. You can find food that includes the seed or make some at home yourself.
  • Chia Seeds - These tiny seeds are packed with nutrition for your pup. They are a plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the brain, reduce inflammation, and help give dogs a shinier coat. Make your own treats with these or mix them into their food. 
Image courtesy of Unsplash
Taking Care Of Our Pup's And Ourselves During The Holidays
As the holiday season approaches, it becomes crucial to prioritize the well-being of both our furry companions and ourselves. Amidst the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving festivities, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care and ensuring our pups are also receiving the attention they deserve. Incorporating collagen into our routine can be a beneficial practice for humans, helping to support joint health and overall well-being, especially during the busy holiday season. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let's make sure our holiday festivities encompass both our own health and the happiness of our beloved four-legged companions!

Did you know the physical signs of aging in your skin, hair, and nails have less to do with "getting older" and more to do with a collagen deficiency? Luckily, you can restore your collagen levels to reverse aging and feel your best again with NativePath's Grass-Fed Collagen Powder. Collagen acts as an antioxidant, which helps to fight off harmful free radicals and repair previous skin damage, leading to a reduction in dark spots. With just two scoops a day, you'll have 20g of protein to keep you energized, feel younger, and reverse the signs of aging. Get yours today for 45% off!
Thanks to NativePath for sponsoring Daily Dig! Learn more here.
Feline Film Stars
The Marvels, the upcoming star-studded Marvel Cinematic Universe film, brings back an iconic four-legged character — Goose the flerken. Initially introduced as a seemingly harmless earth cat in 2019's Captain Marvel, Goose is actually a...
Read More Here!
Did You Know:
Answer: True! Different smells in a dog's urine can tell other dogs whether the dog is female or male, old or young, sick or healthy, and happy or angry.
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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