Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Microsoft's Hiring of Ousted CEO a 'Poker Move for the Ages' (Daily Rundown by Newser)

Newser Newsletter
November 21, 2023
The Big Rundown
The drama at OpenAI, the dominant company in the field of artificial intelligence, is apparently not over. Keep reading
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Prepare for a cold winter with this ultra-efficient, portable heater that warms any space in 60 seconds. Eco-friendly and cost-effective, it's offered at a special $49 price. Perfect for homes, offices, and RVs – breathe easy with its built-in air filter. Learn More >

More Big News
The founder of Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, pleaded guilty Tuesday to a felony charge that he failed to take steps to prevent money laundering following an investigation by the US government. Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
Geoffrey Holt was unassuming as the caretaker of a mobile home park in Hinsdale, New Hampshire, where he lived a simple but curious life. Keep reading
Don't Overlook
When images surfaced over the summer of Bradley Cooper wearing a fake nose to portray Leonard Bernstein, the actor took a lot of flak for the choice. Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
The world knows him as Banksy. Keep reading
Science Buzz
There was a lot of sex happening in the church attic—but without humans and, weirdly, without penetration. Keep reading
Wild Card
It's going to be a busy holiday travel week, which means lots of people are going to need a ride from the airport. Keep reading
Comment of the Day
"I doubt that he would have wanted anything built in his name; he, clearly, wanted to help people: Feed the hungry, house the homeless, education, the arts."
Quote of the Day
"It just didn't look right."
Read This Elsewhere
The Call Center Where George Santos Learned to Con
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