Friday, November 24, 2023

πŸ• anonymous donor helps fight stigma at shelters

"It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses my dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass."
- Rodney Dangerfield

Happy Friday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
How many muscles help move a dog's ears?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Crate Training Isn't Always the Answer
This adorable Golden Retriever is living the life. The owners may have started with the idea of crate training, but watch this adorable video snapshot to see where the dog is hanging out now during his relaxation time. 
You're There For Your Pup, Sunnyside Is There For You
Being a faithful companion to your dog extends beyond mere companionship; it involves a heartfelt commitment to their well-being. As a dog owner, it's not just about providing food, shelter, and occasional walks. It's about being attuned to their needs and emotions, understanding their language of barks and tail wags.

Being a true friend to your canine companion means looking out for their best interests at all times. Whether it's scheduling regular vet check-ups, ensuring they get enough exercise, or simply showering them with love and attention, the bond between a human and their dog is a unique and reciprocal relationship built on trust and care. In the end, being there for your furry friend means creating a harmonious and fulfilling life for them, marked by joy, security, and the unwavering knowledge that they have a loyal friend by their side.

Just like you are a true friend to your pup, Sunnyside is like a friend to you.

Sunnyside is your guide to a world where you can enjoy alcohol without the guilt and worry. Think of them as the friend you've known for years that's there to listen, guide, and support you in your journey towards more meaningful and rewarding drinking experiences. By improving your drinking habits, you can enhance your sleep, reduce anxiety, save money, and even lose weight. Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Sign up now and start enjoying alcohol in a way that enhances your life, not hinders it. 

Start your 15-day free trial today.
Thank you to Sunnyside for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Sunnyside here!
Anonymous Donor Helps Fight Stigma on Black Animals
Did you know many people believe black cats and dogs are bad luck or dangerous? They are the animals that are least likely to be adopted in shelters. In the month of September, an anonymous donor wanted to help these animals find forever homes, so they offered to cover the adoption fees of all black cats and dogs over the age of one. 

The donor had previously adopted a black cat from the shelter named Jean Valjean. Jean spent some wonderful years with their family in Phoenix before losing their battle with cancer. Now, that family is paying it forward and helping more animals find their forever homes. The shelter had quite a few animals that were available for adoption. What a great way to honor their beloved pet and help animals find a home. 
Image courtesy of Animal Rescue Site
Bark To The Future
Futuristic technology is revolutionizing the way we care for our canine companions, bringing innovation to the world of pet ownership. Here are some fascinating futuristic technologies that are not so far away from being fully developed:
  • Smart Collars and Canine Wearables: Advanced collars equipped with sensors allow pet owners to monitor real-time health metrics, track activity levels, and gain insights into their dog's emotional well-being.
  • Canine Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences: Emerging VR platforms for dogs provide interactive and stimulating environments, contributing to their mental and physical health by offering immersive and engaging experiences.
  • Bark-to-Speech Translation: Cutting-edge devices integrated with artificial intelligence are in development to decipher and translate dog barks into human-understandable language, fostering a deeper understanding and communication between humans and their furry companions.
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The Important Role of a Flight Nanny
Amanda McGee helps animals get from point A to point B in her role as a flight nanny. She founded an organization called PurplePup Pet Transportation, and her team helps companion animals across the country to families. These flight nannies help remove some of the stress from families. 

Traveling with an animal can be challenging. There are so many logistics to work out, and pets really pick up on the energy of the people they are with. McGee has experience and knows how to handle dogs in various transportation situations. Some dogs are being adopted by out-of-state breeders or moving long distances. Whatever the situation is, PurplePup Pet Transportation can assist. 

This business took off during the pandemic. There is a high need for pet transportation specialists. McGee created word of mouth and great references to her success over the last few years. She works with dogs, cats, and rabbits because they can fly in airline cabins. She averages 12-15 deliveries monthly and loves that no week is the same. She recently started doing some international travel with animals as well. The sky is the limit for flight nannies!
Image courtesy of The Dog People
Did You Know:
Answer: 18 muscles help move a dog's ear.
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is Your Dogs Sidekick.

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