Wednesday, November 22, 2023

🐕 MN Wild get a team dog

"Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place with curators in museums; others we take for walks."
- Roger A. Caras

Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
How many dogs could one female dog and her female children produce in a period of seven years?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
The Minnesota Wild Gets a New Team Pup
The NHL team in Minnesota added a new pup to their team roster this year. Hatty signed a one-year training contract with the Wild this year. This adorable Golden Retriever puppy is the fifth rescue dog from Coco's Heart Dog Rescue that the team has taken under their wing. 

In the past years, the team dog has gone on after their one season to work with Soldier 6. This Minnesota-based organization trains dogs for honorably discharged veterans, police officers, and firefighters. When Hatty's season is over, she will find her permanent home with a veteran experiencing PTSD, and she will help them through any challenges. 

You can follow along on Hatty's season on Instagram. Such a great program that the Wild supports.
Image courtesy of @mnwildpup
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Welcome to Daily Dig, where we aim to spread positivity through our love for dogs! Want a dose of positivity delivered to your email inbox every morning? If so, subscribe to Daily Dig today!

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What To Gift Your Dog This Holiday Season
This holiday season, show your furry friend some love with thoughtful gifts that cater to their happiness and well-being:
  • Cozy Bed or Blanket: Treat your pup to a comfortable place to rest by investing in a cozy bed or a soft, warm blanket. Dogs appreciate a designated and comfortable space, especially during the colder months.
  • Interactive Toys: Engage your dog's mind and keep them active with interactive toys. Puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, or durable chew toys not only provide entertainment but also stimulate cognitive function.
  • Gourmet Treats or Homemade Goodies: Spoil your canine companion with delicious treats. Opt for high-quality, gourmet dog treats or consider making homemade goodies using dog-friendly ingredients. It's a tasty way to celebrate the holidays together.
These gifts are sure to please your dog and are easy to find at many big stores such as Target. 

Have you heard of the "Target Phenomenon" — why people can't leave Target without a cartful of goodies? Brad's Deals explains 11 reasons to love Target.
Thank you to Brad's Deals for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Brad's Deals here!
Choose the Right Caption for Your Turkey Day Photos
The holidays provide the perfect excuse to post extra pictures of your furry family members. But if you're busy cooking and you can't deal with coming up with something clever, we've got you covered.

Try one of the options from this list, here are a few of our favorites:
  • What am I thankful for? The kid's table!
  • You guys seem "stuffed." Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
  • Ready to gobble till we wobble. 
  • Good thing we don't have to worry about pants on Thanksgiving!
  • Talk turkey to me.
  • I am what my family is thankful for. 
Image courtesy of Basic Dog Mom
How To Stay Healthy For Your Pup
Health hacking, a term popularized in the health and wellness community, refers to the proactive pursuit of strategies and techniques aimed at optimizing physical and mental well-being. It involves leveraging the latest scientific research, technology, and personalized data to fine-tune lifestyle choices for maximum health benefits.

From biohacking techniques like optimized nutrition and personalized exercise regimens to leveraging wearable technology for tracking vital health metrics, health hacking empowers individuals to take control of their health and longevity. By focusing on preventive measures and tailored interventions, health hacking aims to not only enhance immediate well-being but also maximize life span and overall quality of life in the long run.

To read more about health and longevity, we recommend checking out Long Youthspan- the latest longevity news in a weekly email that's fun to read!

We've been loving articles such as "Can We Prevent Alzheimers?" and "The No.1 Personality Trait Tied To Living A Long Life". If you want to read more, you can subscribe for free here and let us know what you think!
Thanks to Long Youthspan for sponsoring Daily Dig. Subscribe for free here!
The Hairiest Dog Breeds
Each breed has its own unique qualities, but the coats are one way to distinguish many of them easily. With fluffy tails and lush coats, some breeds require a little extra grooming and effort (or at least a good vacuum.) If you are looking for a hairy dog (or maybe you want to avoid some of the hairiest), here is a list of the top ten.
  1. Afghan Hound - These dogs are famous for their long, flowing locks of hair. The silky hair helps protect them from the elements. 
  2. Tibetan Mastiff - This hairy breed looks like a bear and has a double coat to protect it from cold. 
  3. Komondor - These dogs look a bit like a mop at a quick glance. They have corded locks that don't shed but require special care.
  4. Samoyed - This is a classic sled dog that can handle cold temperatures, and they are covered in dense white fur that is oddly dirt-resistant.
  5. Shih Tzu - These dogs were originally bred for Chinese emperors and still require a bit of royal pampering. 
  6. Shetland Sheepdog - This fluffball is one of the smartest small dog breeds. The long, thick coat requires regular grooming and brushing.
  7. Newfoundland - The water-resistant fur is helpful for this swimming breed that has been used for water rescues for years.
  8. Pekingese - This tiny breed has a fluffy mane and puffy tail and needs some brushing and maintenance. Plus, you have to deal with their sassy attitudes.
  9. Old English Sheepdog - The thick coat sheds heavily throughout the year and requires quite a bit of cleanup, but these popular and lovable dogs are great companions.
  10. Pomeranian - These fluffy little dogs are descendants of Iceland sled dogs and have a nice cuddly coat for warming a lap. 

See the full list of 25 breeds
Image courtesy of the Dog Snobs
Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
Tips to Care For Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season
Whether or not you experience the holiday blues, being extra intentional and caring for your mental health during the season can be helpful.

Here are a few tips...
Read More Here!
Did You Know:
Answer: Mathematically, the number is 4,372
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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