Tuesday, December 5, 2023

🐕 bake some Christmas treats for your dog

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
- Mark Twain

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
What is considered the dog's sixth sense?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Have You Heard of the Elusive PNW Water Hippo?
Chewie is showing off with this video on Instagram. While Chewie's owner may have been joking in the caption, we would be excited to get our eyes on this adorable creature, the Pacific Northwest Water Hippo. Who doesn't love to see a happy dog splashing around?
Are You New Here?
Welcome to Daily Dig, where we aim to spread positivity through our love for dogs! Want a dose of positivity delivered to your email inbox every morning? If so, subscribe to Daily Dig today!

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Recipe: Do(g)-It-Yourself Christmas Themed Cookies
Make sure Santa Paws knows your address to deliver special treats to your dog this year. If you want to get a jump on this year's treat haul, try this homemade dog treat recipe with a Christmas theme to get your pup in the holiday spirit.

Cookie Recipe
You'll need: Two ripe bananas, ½ cup of canned pumpkin, and 3 ½ cups of unbaked oats
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and grease a baking sheet.
  2. Mash the pumpkin and bananas together to form a thick paste.
  3. Blend the oats, turning them into a fine powder with a food processor. Set aside one tablespoon of this powder.
  4. Combine the banana/pumpkin paste and the blended oats powder in a bowl and blend it together well.
  5. Use the tablespoon of powder you set aside to knead the dough. Roll it out until it's ½ inch thick, and use a cookie cutter to create fun shapes.
  6. Bake for ten minutes. Allow them to cool before giving them to your dog.
Image courtesy of Basic Dog Mom
Signs Your Pup Doesn't Feel Well
Just like us, sometimes our pups can feel under the weather. However, with dogs, lack of communication makes it a lot harder to understand when something is going on. Here are some signs that your pup may be due a visit to the vet:
  1. Changes in eating habits: One of the first signs that something may be amiss with your dog's health is a sudden change in eating habits. A loss of appetite or increased thirst can be indicative of various underlying issues, ranging from dental problems to more serious conditions like gastrointestinal disorders or organ dysfunction. Monitor your dog's food intake and consult your veterinarian if you notice any significant changes.
  2. Lethargy and unusual fatigue: If your usually energetic dog becomes lethargic or displays excessive fatigue, it could signal an underlying health problem. Dogs, much like humans, can experience fatigue due to illnesses, pain, or discomfort. Keep an eye on changes in activity levels, and if your dog seems unusually tired or disinterested in activities they once enjoyed, consult your veterinarian for a thorough examination.
  3. Changes in behavior: Dogs communicate with us through their behavior, and sudden shifts in behavior can be red flags for health issues. Aggression, withdrawal, or excessive clinginess may be indicative of pain, anxiety, or illness. Pay attention to your dog's usual demeanor and consult a professional if you notice any unexplained changes.
  4. Vomiting and Diarrhea: Digestive issues, such as vomiting and diarrhea, are common signs that something might be wrong with your dog's health. These symptoms can be caused by various factors, including dietary indiscretions, infections, or more serious underlying conditions. While occasional digestive upset may not be cause for alarm, persistent or severe symptoms should prompt a visit to the vet.
  5. Changes in Urination: Monitoring your dog's urinary habits is essential in maintaining their overall health. Changes in frequency, color, or the presence of blood can be indicators of urinary tract infections, kidney issues, or other conditions. If you observe any abnormalities in your dog's urination patterns, seek veterinary advice promptly.
  6. Respiratory Issues: Coughing, wheezing, or labored breathing can be signs of respiratory problems in dogs. These issues may result from infections, allergies, or more serious conditions affecting the respiratory system. If your dog shows persistent respiratory symptoms, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Understanding the signs that your dog isn't feeling well is crucial for providing timely and appropriate care. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and a loving environment are essential components of maintaining your dog's overall well-being. By being attentive to changes in behavior, appetite, and physical symptoms, you can ensure that your furry friend receives the care they need to lead a happy and healthy life.

Remember, when in doubt, consult your veterinarian for professional guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs.
Our Tip For When You're Not Feeling Well...
Ever wake up the morning after drinks and question last night's decisions or wonder why you feel so "meh" after drinking? You're not alone. 

The culprit? Acetaldehyde. 

A byproduct of alcohol called acetaldehyde wrecks havoc on your body and causes you to feel awful the next day.

So here's what you do: you biohack it with ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic Drink, which breaks down acetaldehyde while you drink. And you know what that means? It means you can have a night out AND feel good the next day. Check out ZBiotics here.
Thank you to Zbiotics for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Zbiotics here!
Are Beagles the Right Breed for You?
Beagles are one of the most popular breeds in the United States. They are most commonly known for their friendly nature. Beagles are also a popular choice for dogs in cartoons and films. Snoopy is the most famous, but Garfield's friend, Odie, is also a beagle.

A typical Beagle stands between 13 and 15 inches tall at their shoulder and weighs anywhere from 18 to 35 pounds. There is a slightly smaller version called the Pocket Beagle. The breed is healthy and can live for around 15 years if they receive good care. The coats are short and low maintenance. Their ears are long, requiring regular care to keep them clean. 

Beagles have an excellent scent of smell. Sometimes that can lead to escape attempts if they catch the scent of a bunny or squirrel. The dogs are great family dogs because they are gentle and fun-loving. If you are looking for a happy-go-lucky family dog, a Beagle might be the best option for you. 
Image courtesy of Dogs Best Life
Fascinating Dog Facts
As part of the Daily Dig community, we're all dog lovers here. There's nothing we love more than finding out new and fascinating facts about our four-legged friends! Here are some four favorites:
  • The Basenji is often called the "barkless dog" because it doesn't bark like other dogs. Instead, it produces a unique yodel-like sound!
  • Bloodhounds have noses with about 3 million scent receptors!
  • Simmilar to human fingerprints, each dog has a unique nose print
  • The Greyhound is one of the fastest dog breeds and can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour
If you love reading fascinating and entertaining facts and stories, you should check out Early Chirp. It's a free daily newsletter that curates entertaining and informative stories every morning directly to your inbox.

We've been loving stories such as "Dog Lovers Might Soon Have More Time To Spend With Their Four-Legged Friends", "Just Because Dogs Are Invited Doesn't Mean They Want To Go" and "The Evidence Is In: Adopting A Dog Is Good For Your Health".

Check out Early Chirp or sign up for free right here- your inbox will thank you. Make sure you let us know what you think!
Thanks to Early Chirp for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Sign up for free right here.
Happy Holidays!🎁
Make memories of a lifetime with Daily Dig's very own Revel Holiday Gift Guide! From gifts for dog-lovers to gifts for makeup enthusiasts, there truly is something for everyone. Check out our Revel Holiday Gift Guide today to take the stress out of the gift-selection process, and experience the joyful radiance of picking the perfect gift for your loved one!

Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
Kitty Cookies
Indulge in these cat-tastic cookies, whether you're treating yourself or surprising your human family members with a touch of feline sweetness! Read more...
Did You Know:
Answer: Scientists believe the dogs can detect the Earth's magnetic field, which helps them navigate. 
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays.

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