Wednesday, December 20, 2023

πŸ• Fidele's legacy

"I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult."
- Rita Rudner

Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
True or false: Dalmatians were chosen to work in firehouses because the spots make them easy to see.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Meet the Most Photographed Dog in the World
While floating down the Groenerei canal in Bruges, Belgium, for years, you'd likely catch a glimpse of Fidele (the handsome pup pictured below).

So many people took pictures of this pup while he napped on the windowsill., to the point where he quickly became the most photographed dog in the world. For good reason too. He is absolutely adorable!

This spot on the canal is one of the most charming locations in Belgium, a fact that attracts many tourists and locals. Fidele's owner said his fame was serendipitous. While Fidele sadly passed away a few years ago, he made countless numbers of people smile with his endearing personality and his legacy continues to live on in photo frames worldwide. 
Image courtesy of @weratedogs Instagram account
How Your Stress Effects Your Dog
Dogs, as we know, are incredibly empathetic and caring. One of their best qualities are the deep bonds they share with us, their humans. However, this also causes our dogs to be incredibly sensitive in relation to humans' emotions, including stress. When we're stressed, our canine companions often pick up on it, and it can affect them profoundly. Changes in our behavior, body language, and even our scent when under stress can be detected by dogs.
This heightened awareness can lead to changes in their behavior as well. Some dogs may become more clingy or needy, seeking comfort and reassurance. Others might display signs of discomfort themselves, such as pacing, whining, or changes in appetite. While this empathetic response showcases the deep, intuitive connection dogs share with their human families, it also highlights the impact stress can have on our pups.

Managing stress is essential for not only our well-being, but also for the health and happiness of our furry friends. Because of this, we at Daily Dig want to share with you some of the ways we best manage our stress. These stress-management strategies include:
  • Exercising regularly
  • Meditation
  • Getting adequate good night's sleep
  • Prioritizing time for hobbies
  • Calming techniques that fit you
And To Keep You Calm..
If you've ever struggled to enjoy cannabis due to the harshness of smoking or vaping, you're not alone. That's why these new cannabis gummies caught our eye.

Mood is an online dispensary that has invented a "joint within a gummy" that's extremely potent yet federally-legal. Their gummies are formulated to tap into the human body's endocannabinoid system. 

Although this system was discovered in the 1990's, farmers and scientists at Mood were among the first to figure out how to tap into it with cannabis gummies. Just 1 of their rapid onset THC gummies can get you feeling right within 5 minutes! Try Mood now!
Thanks to Mood for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
Recipe: Do(g)-It-Yourself Christmas Pudding Cookies
If you want a fun holiday treat for your pups, try your hand at a batch of these pudding biscuits. They take just 15 minutes to assemble and provide a healthy but tasty snack. It's a perfect gift for the four-legged friends in your life during the holiday season.

Pro tip: Be sure to store the finished product in airtight containers. 

Christmas Pudding Biscuits
You'll need: 140 grams of wholemeal flour, 25 grams of rolled oats, 100 grams of peanut butter, one tablespoon of honey, one medium egg, 40 ml of cold water, an additional teaspoon of honey, 50 grams of Greek yogurt, and 30 dried cranberries.
  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Line two baking trays with parchment paper. 
  2. Mix the flour and oats in a bowl. Whisk together the peanut butter, honey, egg, and water in a separate bowl. 
  3. Make a well in the middle of the flour and pour in the peanut butter mixture. Mix this together to make a stiff dough.
  4. Roll out the dough on a surface dusted with flour. Cut out cookies using a cookie cutter and transfer the cookies to a baking sheet.
  5. Bake the cookies for 15 to 18 minutes, until they turn golden brown. Pull out the trays and allow the treats to cool on a rack. 
  6. Mix together the yogurt and honey in a small bowl, then add to a bag to pipe onto the cookies. Add a dried cranberry to the top.
Image courtesy of Baking Mad
A Perfect Sunday...
If you were to ask us what our perfect Sunday would look like, it would be a slow Sunday morning. Our faithful pup's by our side as we delved into a captivating and enlightening read, setting us up with a dose of positivity for our day!

Our Sundays have found the perfect companion in The Boonly, a delightful Sunday newsletter offering respite from the constant hustle and an opportunity to indulge in a hint of dog-like curiosity. Undoubtedly, The Boonly has injected a much-needed breath of fresh air into our routine, gracing our inboxes each Sunday.

Reasons why we adore it:
  • Their thought-provoking content sparks our imagination
  • Their clever insights offer ideas to make Sundays absolutely delightful
  • Their unique perspectives on familiar themes

The Boonly has become our go-to for unwinding and savoring leisurely Sundays with a delightful read. To add some sunshine to your inbox this Sunday, join The Boonly pack here!
Thanks to The Boonly for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
Why Some Dog Names Are So Popular
Just like children's names, there are lists online of the most popular dog names. The popularity of these names change quickly according to the current trends. Many people who end up choosing a popular name don't mean to do this, but it only takes one trip to the doggy daycare facility, and they quickly realize that they aren't the only ones with a Luna, Max, or Bella.

It's hard to know what's popular if you haven't had a dog before. Once you visit the dog park, you start to hear some names more than others.

So, why are those names so popular? Bella held the top spot for female dogs for a few years. The word means beautiful, plus it rose to the top of the list around the same time that the movie Twilight was at the top of the box office charts. Luna recently took over as the most popular. This is a name from Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, plus it means moon. 

Max has stayed at the top of the list for male dogs. This could be inspired by the dog, Max, from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Some dog parents like that's short for Maximus. Human names have gained popularity in recent decades for dogs due to pups' significant roles in families. Trends have shifted away from options like Spot, Rover, Princess, or Lady. 

With dogs, you'll even find trends within breeds. It's essential for the name to fit the animal. Many people use their physical features or personality quirks to pick the best name. The good news for pet owners is that it doesn't matter if you pick something common or completely unique; if you love it and it fits your dog, it's perfect. Plus, most dogs end up with countless nicknames.
Image courtesy of The Dog People
A Little Treat:
  • ✅ Did You Know: False. At one time, fire engines were drawn by horses, and the Dalmatians could keep up with the horses when they ran toward a blaze. The dogs could comfort and distract them when they got skittish around the burning buildings. The tradition just stuck. 
  • 🎁 Happy Holidays: Holiday shopping has never been easier or more rewarding! Our Holiday Gift Guide is the purrfect way to find gifts for your loved ones. Check out the list to see all the different options available for choosing from. With our Holiday Gift Guide, Holiday shopping just became that much better! Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
  • 🐢 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays. Reply to this email with the best pics of your pooch, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
  • πŸ˜‚ Dad Joke: Why did the dog sit in front of the computer? Because he wanted to keep up with his "paw-sonal" emails!
  •  πŸ± A Surprise Travel Companion: Upon their return from dinner on the first night of their vacation, Janet and Paul Atkinson discovered an unforgettable surprise...
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