Thursday, December 21, 2023

πŸ• Hero dog

"The dog was created specifically for children. He is the god of frolic."
- Henry Ward

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: What do you call a dog with a fever?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Dog Saved From Frozen Lake
Viral videos can offer more than just a good laugh. This viral video serves as a great reminder to take extra precautions near lakes in winter. In February, Instagram user Holly Morphew captured a moment when a man jumped into Sloan Lake to rescue a stranger's dog who had fallen through the ice. 

The dog had gotten distracted by geese and started chasing them. The dog's name was Loki, and when he broke through the ice, bystanders immediately called 911 for help. Jason Skidgel was watching and knew that the dog needed help immediately. He took off his clothes and jumped into the partially frozen lake. He knew he needed to be in and out of the water in less than three minutes. 

Once the dog and man were out of the water, the crowd rushed to help, giving up their own jackets and clothes to help warm both of them up. It was a beautiful moment of community coming together to help this scared pup and the brave man who took action. We are so grateful that Loki and Skidgel are OK.
Image courtesy of Dogington Post
Decoding a Dog's Sigh
Have you ever had your dog let out a deep sign? It turns out that it's common for dogs to make this sound, which can happen for many different reasons. Most of the reasons are similar to humans. It can serve a respiratory purpose or be an emotional response to stress. It just involves the dog letting out a long breath. 

Alveoli are tiny air sacs located in the lungs. These play an important part in the respiratory system. Vets say that sighing helps inflate any alveoli that have collapsed. This will improve the oxygenation of the blood and help reset emotions.

So, what makes your pup let out a deep sigh? Here are six possible reasons:
  1. Relaxation. When dogs lay down or fall asleep, they might let out a relaxing, deep sigh.
  2. Stress or anxiety. The dog might be stressed if sighing is happening alongside other signs like a tucked tail, yawning, flattened ears, or tense muscles.
  3. Unhappiness. Dogs have a wide range of emotions, and sighing might be a sign that they are sad about something. 
  4. Tiredness. If your dog is tired after intense exercise, they might sigh when lying down and curling up in their bed.
  5. Attention-seeking. Dogs are fast learners when it comes to getting attention from humans. If your dog gets your attention when sighing, they will likely continue to do it.
  6. Boredom. If your dog lacks mental or physical stimulation, they might get bored. Sighing can be a sign of boredom, and you might need to find some new toys and exercises to try with your dog. 
Image courtesy of Rover
Caring For Our Pups As They Age
As our beloved furry friends gracefully age, their needs evolve, requiring a shift in our approach to their care. Ensuring a fulfilling and comfortable life for our senior pups involves thoughtful adjustments and a commitment to their changing requirements.
  1. Tailored Nutrition: Just as our dietary needs change with age, so do those of our canine companions. Transitioning to a senior dog food formula helps address age-related issues such as joint health, digestion, and maintaining a healthy weight. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best nutritional plan for your aging pup.
  2. Regular Veterinary Check-Ups: Regular veterinary visits become increasingly crucial as dogs age. These check-ups allow for early detection and management of potential health issues, ensuring your senior pup receives timely and appropriate care.
  3. Joint and Mobility Support: Aging often brings about joint stiffness and mobility challenges. Provide comfortable bedding, consider joint supplements, and engage in low-impact exercises to help maintain your dog's flexibility and overall well-being.
  4. Dental Care: Dental health is paramount in senior dogs. Regular teeth brushing, dental chews, and professional cleanings help prevent periodontal disease, ensuring your pup can enjoy their meals without discomfort.
  5. Gentle Exercise Routine: While physical activity remains vital, tailor your dog's exercise routine to accommodate their aging joints and stamina. Short, frequent walks and gentle play sessions contribute to maintaining muscle tone without causing strain.
  6. Adapted Living Environment: Make your home senior-dog-friendly by placing ramps or steps to help them navigate elevated surfaces, ensuring their living space is easily accessible, and minimizing the risk of falls.
Caring for our aging pups is a rewarding journey that requires patience, understanding, and adaptability. By embracing these considerations and providing tailored care, we can ensure our senior dogs enjoy their golden years with the same love and devotion they've given us throughout their lives.
Tips For Caring For Yourself
Want your vibrant skin, strong joints & nails, and shiny hair back? NativePath has developed the ultimate solution to stop the aging process in its tracks so you can feel your best again. Their Grass-Fed Collagen Powder is your key to regaining the vibrant glow that time tried to steal.

Embrace a Better You: Each scoop delivers 10g of collagen for comprehensive support for your bones, joints, hair, skin, and nails.

Ageless Transformation: A study on women aged 35 to 55 revealed that hydrolyzed collagen, when used for four and eight weeks, heightened skin elasticity and moisture.

Easy to Use: Their collagen powder mixes seamlessly into your favorite beverages without altering the taste or aroma. It's the beauty secret you'll forget you're even using.

Ready to turn back the clock? Embrace the journey to radiant skin, luscious hair, and agile joints. NativePath invites you to experience the power of collagen. Even better? Order today and get 45% off, plus free shipping!
Thanks to NativePath for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
New Year's Resolutions for Pups
We all like the fresh start of the new calendar year, and many of us will come up with some New Year's Resolutions to kick off 2024. But what about dogs? They shouldn't be left out, and we all know that they have some things they could work on. 

The American Kennel Club put together a few ideas to help inspire your family pet; maybe they could use a nudge. 
  • Stop scooting across carpets. 
  • Sit for greetings instead of jumping on guests.
  • Not hump in public.
  • Stop pulling on the leash.
  • Stop sniffing people's crotches.
  • Come when called.
  • Stop drinking from the toilet.
  • Stop sleeping in my human's bed. 
But really, who are we kidding? Dogs are perfect, even with all their quirks. Maybe we can make resolutions just to accept our four-legged friends' odd or possibly embarrassing behaviors. 
Image courtesy of American Kennel Club
Is Your Pup Lazy?
If you've noticed your energetic pup taking more naps than usual, there might be various reasons behind their newfound laziness. Understanding the factors contributing to your dog's relaxed state can help you address any potential concerns and ensure their overall well-being.
  1. Age and Life Stage: Just like humans, dogs experience different life stages, and their activity levels can naturally decrease with age. Puppies are known for their boundless energy, but as they mature into adults and then seniors, it's common for them to adopt a more laid-back lifestyle.

  2. Health Issues: Laziness in dogs can be a subtle sign of underlying health issues. Pain, arthritis, infections, or other medical conditions may cause discomfort, leading your pup to reduce their activity level. Regular veterinary check-ups can help identify and address any health concerns.

  3. Weather Conditions: Extreme weather, whether it's sweltering heat or freezing cold, can impact a dog's energy levels. Dogs may become less active to regulate their body temperature and avoid discomfort. Ensure your pup has a comfortable environment during harsh weather conditions.

  4. Mental and Emotional Factors: Dogs, much like humans, can experience stress, anxiety, or even boredom. Changes in routine, environmental stressors or a lack of mental stimulation can contribute to lethargy. Engaging your pup in interactive play, providing new toys, or adjusting their routine can help alleviate mental fatigue.

  5. Recent Activity Level: Consider recent changes in your dog's activity level. A particularly active day or a new and strenuous activity may leave your pup feeling tired and in need of extra rest.

Monitoring your dog's behavior and recognizing the potential reasons behind their laziness allows you to respond appropriately to their needs. If you're ever in doubt or if your pup's lethargy persists, consulting with a veterinarian ensures a thorough understanding of your dog's overall health and well-being.

If You're Feeling Lazy...
Feeling lazy but still want to earn some extra cash? We've done our research and found some unusual (but legit) ways that people can stack their bank accounts without having to leave their house. Some will help you save. Others will help you pad your wallet right away.

If your bank account could use a boost but you don't want to start a second job, then these could be right for you.
Thanks to FinanceBuzz for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
A Little Treat:
  • ✅ Did You Know: A hot dog!
  • 🎁 Happy Holidays: Holiday shopping has never been easier or more rewarding! Our Holiday Gift Guide is the purrfect way to find gifts for your loved ones. Check out the list to see all the different options available for choosing from. With our Holiday Gift Guide, Holiday shopping just became that much better! Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
  • 🐢 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays. Reply to this email with the best pics of your pooch, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
  • πŸ˜‚ Dad Joke: Why did the dog sit in front of the computer? Because he wanted to keep up with his "paw-sonal" emails!
  •  πŸ± A Surprise Travel Companion: Upon their return from dinner on the first night of their vacation, Janet and Paul Atkinson discovered an unforgettable surprise...
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