Thursday, December 14, 2023

GOP Hardliners Unhappy as Defense Bill Passes (Daily Rundown by Newser)

Newser Newsletter
December 14, 2023
The Big Rundown
The House passed a defense policy bill Thursday that authorizes the biggest pay raise for troops in more than two decades, overcoming objections from some conservatives concerned the measure did not do enough to restrict the Pentagon's diversity initiatives, abortion travel policy, and gender-affirming health care for transgender service members. Keep reading
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More Big News
Germany announced the arrests Thursday of four men it said are members of Hamas who were planning attacks on European Jewish sites. Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
A 10-year-old Black child who urinated in a parking lot must serve three months' probation and write a two-page book report on the late NBA star Kobe Bryant, a Mississippi judge has ordered. Keep reading
Don't Overlook
Pregnant women may soon no longer have to dread that gestational malady known as morning sickness, a condition marked by nausea and throwing up, usually at its worst in the first trimester. Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
"It's a crime you just can't sugarcoat" is one of the suggested openers by the New York Times for a story about a sticky situation in Australia. Keep reading
Science Buzz
Early to bed, early to rise? Keep reading
Wild Card
A British youth who disappeared six years ago at age 11 has been found alive and well in France, reports the BBC. Keep reading
Comment of the Day
"Did her husband also steal a milk truck?"
Quote of the Day
"Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate."
Read This Elsewhere
See If You Can Solve UK Spy Agency's Brainteasers for Kids
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