Saturday, December 16, 2023

He Killed Parents, Classmates. His Sister Tells Her Story (Newser Deep Dive)

Newser Newsletter
December 16, 2023
In May 1998—roughly a year before Columbine—a 15-year-old named Kip Kinkel fatally shot his parents, then two fellow students at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon. He wounded 25 more students. Keep reading
It was the king of all colors—one thought to have been created by the ancient Phoenicians and later cherished by Roman emperors and Cleopatra. Eventually, it vanished. Keep reading
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Nearly 20 years ago, a house fire in Colorado Springs, Colorado, claimed the lives of Deb and Timothy Nicholls' three children: Jay, 11, Sophia, 5, and Sierra, 3. Deb wasn't home at the time, and Timothy was found injured outside the house. He says he remembers a piece of ceiling falling on him, then trying to open a window before losing consciousness. Keep reading
In July 2022, Sarah Pauley defied her estranged husband's orders and started poking through items on his side of the basement. What she discovered was straight out of a horror film: alleged human remains. Keep reading
Wall Street took a bit of a breather after Wednesday's surge, though the major indexes all posted more modest gains: The S&P 500 rose 12 points, or 0.2%, to 4,719. The Dow rose 158 points, or 0.4%, to 37,248. Keep reading
From the Archives
Rats give us plenty of grief. They can cause outbreaks of diseases ranging from scrub typhus to leptospirosis and their urine and feces are thought to render a fifth of the world's food supply unusable. Keep reading
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