Monday, December 25, 2023

🐕 We bet you can't refuse this sales-dog

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. It is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
- Mark Twain

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: Why did a dog bring toilet paper to a party?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
The Top Sales "Person" Without a Doubt
In St. Johnsbury, Vermont, there's a car dealership that is using tactics that might help them close more deals than their competitors. When you visit the GMC/Chrysler dealership, you'll be greeted by Charley, a nine-month-old Corgi with stunning blue eyes. 

The dealership has always been a very pet-friendly spot, so when one of the marketing team members, Kate Toll, got Charley, it made sense to bring her along to work. She has visited all the locations and has become quite a popular employee. People are constantly checking the social media channels for updates. 

Charley helps with videos that showcase the cars and trucks for sale. It helps bring some extra attention because who can resist those eyes and adorable faces? Her only official duty is to run around and be cute. One of the favorites of visitors is the red balloon that they tied to her so they could easily spot where she was in the dealership. 

We totally get the appeal. The videos have us wanting to visit Vermont just to meet Charley
Image courtesy of Rover
Pet First Aid Essentials
Pets are family members, so every pet owner should know the basics of pet first aid in an emergency. Just like you would stock your medicine cabinet for emergencies for humans, it's good to have some of the basic necessities for family animals as well. First aid is a set of skills and actions that pet owners have to help their pets in an emergency until they can get to a vet.

Start by building a first aid kit with all the important supplies. You can bring this with you on vacations and have what you need to help deal with many of the things that might happen.
  • Bandages
  • Antiseptics
  • Scissors
  • CPR Mask
  • Gauze and Tape
  • Muzzle (in case your pet is in pain)
  • Thermometer
  • Tweezers
Once you have a first aid kit, you'll want to familiarize yourself with some of the most common pet emergencies and know what to do in those situations. Start with these, and then you can expand your knowledge from there.
  1. Cuts and wounds. It's important to ensure any wounds are cleaned well with antiseptic, and then bandages are applied. This will help until you can get to the vet.
  2. Choking. You can perform the Heimlich maneuver on dogs, but it's modified. Place your hands just below the rib cage and give a quick, firm squeeze.
  3. Heatstroke. If your dog is panting heavily, drolling, or acting weak, start cooling them down by wetting their fur, applying ice packs to their armpits, and getting them to the vet.
  4. Poisoning. Dogs are curious about things they find and might eat things they shouldn't. If you think your dog ingested something dangerous, call your vet or animal poison control and follow instructions.
  5. Fractures. Dogs might injure themselves when jumping and landing awkwardly. Try to keep your pet as still as possible and support the injury with a bandage until you can get them to the vet. 
These are good reminders to keep handy to prepare you for tough situations. If you want professional training and additional information, you can also receive certification in pet first aid. 
Image courtesy of Oh Mi Dog
Why Your Pup Is Good For Your Mental Health
The companionship of a dog extends beyond wagging tails and wet noses—it's a profound boost to our mental well-being. Research shows that having a canine companion can have numerous positive effects on mental health. Here are some compelling reasons why dogs are beneficial for our mental well-being:
  • Stress Reduction: Interacting with dogs has been linked to lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.
  • Companionship: Dogs provide unwavering companionship, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Physical Activity: Daily walks and playtime encourage physical activity, releasing endorphins and improving mood.
  • Routine and Structure: Caring for a dog establishes a routine, offering a sense of purpose and structure.
  • Social Connection: Dog ownership often facilitates social interactions, fostering a sense of community.
Incorporating a furry friend into our lives isn't just about the joy of their presence; it's a holistic approach to mental health that brings comfort, joy, and a sense of purpose.
More Tips To Boost Your Mental Health
The beginning of a new year invigorates people to make positive changes in their lives, but many of us end up feeling frustrated because we can't stick to those changes for more than a few weeks. That's because most resolutions don't stick.

A minor setback can make us feel like we've "failed" at achieving our resolution and cause us to abandon it. We also try to take on too many resolutions at once. And there's often little social support that comes along with our efforts – we feel like we have to achieve our goals by ourselves.

This year, skip the resolutions and do something that can bring about real change in your life – therapy. Whether you want to make specific improvements to your mental health, understand yourself on a deeper level, or adjust some of your habits, therapy can be a way to bring about change. 

Learn more about how you can get started with therapy here.
Thanks to BetterHelp for sponsoring Daily Dig.
DOTD: Meet Toffee
Our featured dog today is Toffee. He's a 14-year-old Yorkie. His favorite spot in the house is under the tree, so we are positive that the holiday season is his favorite time of year. His human, Dairam, says he loves to lay there while people are in the kitchen cooking so he can keep an eye on things and possibly snag a treat. His favorite treats are bell peppers, cheese, carrots, apples, and strawberries. We hope he had a stocking full of those favorites today. Merry Christmas to Toffee and all the dogs and their families!
Why Taking Care Of Yourself Is Important For Your Pup

Caring for our furry companions extends beyond the kibble bowl and daily walks; it's about recognizing the symbiotic relationship between human and canine well-being. Ensuring our own health directly impacts the quality of care we provide to our pups. Here's why prioritizing self-care is pivotal for our four-legged friends:

  • Physical Activity: Dogs thrive on exercise, and our ability to engage in play and walks directly influences their vitality.
  • Emotional Well-being: Dogs are remarkably attuned to our emotions. Maintaining our mental health creates a positive environment for our pups.
  • Consistent Care: A routine is crucial for dogs. When we prioritize our well-being, we can provide the stable, consistent care they crave.
  • Patience and Positivity: A rested and content owner is more likely to exhibit patience and positivity, fostering a loving and stress-free environment.

Ultimately, the bond between humans and dogs is a reciprocal one. By taking care of ourselves, we enhance our capacity to provide the love, attention, and care our canine companions deserve.

Our Tip For Taking Care Of Yourself...
You may have heard a lot about mindful eating, but what is mindful drinking?

Have you ever felt that your relationship with alcohol could be more balanced, but you're not necessarily looking to quit drinking entirely?

Sunnyside can help you reach your goals in a flexible, judgment-free way that allows you to achieve a healthier relationship with alcohol on your own terms.

Some of the benefits of using Sunnyside to build better drinking habits include:

- Reductions in the total number of drinks consumed
- Fewer empty calories from alcohol
- Improved sleep
- More money saved
- A greater sense of overall well-being

When you join Sunnyside you get a personalized plan and one-on-one support to help you become a more mindful drinker. Check it out today!
Thanks to Sunnyside for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
A Little Treat:
  • ✅ Did You Know: Because he was a party pooper!
  • 🎁 Happy Holidays: Holiday shopping has never been easier or more rewarding! Our Holiday Gift Guide is the purrfect way to find gifts for your loved ones. Check out the list to see all the different options available for choosing from. With our Holiday Gift Guide, Holiday shopping just became that much better! Thank you to our partners for helping us create our gift guide!
  • 🐶 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs celebrating the holidays. Reply to this email with the best pics of your pooch, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
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