Tuesday, December 12, 2023

It's Forecast to Be Bestselling Drug Ever. Now, a Big Caveat (Daily Rundown by Newser)

Newser Newsletter
December 12, 2023
The Big Rundown
The full results from Eli Lilly's study of its newly approved weight-loss drug Zepbound serve as a splash of cold water in the face of those who believed a few dozen weekly injections would cause pounds to melt off and stay off. Keep reading
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More Big News
The big sports news over the weekend came from the world of baseball, where Shohei Ohtani announced he'd signed a record-shattering $700 million contract over 10 years to play for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
The Turkish Football Federation has suspended play across its five professional leagues after the president of a top-tier soccer club punched a referee in the face. Keep reading
Don't Overlook
From getting married, to having kids, to saving for retirement, the American dream is increasingly out of reach—costing about $3.4 million over the course of a lifetime, or double the median lifetime earnings of the typical US worker, according to a new analysis. Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
Dakota Johnson gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal in which the Fifty Shades of Grey star spoke on a wide range of subjects. Keep reading
Science Buzz
The Great Wall of China continues to stand millennia after its first sections were built around 221 BC, but not without help from bacteria, moss, and lichens. Keep reading
Wild Card
A passenger who flew into Los Angeles International Airport last month from Denmark apparently has quite the story to tell, but he swears he can't remember it. Keep reading
Quote of the Day
"My client likes to talk a lot, unfortunately."
Read This Elsewhere
How the Culture Wars Came for Grizzly Bears
Today's 6 Most-Read Stories
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