Tuesday, August 22, 2023

πŸ• plan the ultimate dog-friendly road trip

"Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen."
- Orhan Pamuk

Happy Tuesday! Here's the scoop: 
  • Watch this pup play their favorite backyard game.
  • Five steps to teach your dog how to shake.
  • A tail-wagging Sunday experience!
  • Tips for planning a dog-friendly road trip.
Did You Know...?
How fast can a dog locate the source of a sound?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
This Pup's Favorite Game is Hide & Seek
Sarah is a Great Pyrenees mix, and one of her favorite games is Hide and Seek. Her owner gives her a few minutes to find a hiding spot and then sets out to seek. Sarah's favorite part of the game is being found. She dances with excitement. It might just inspire you to try playing with your pup in the backyard.
Image courtesy of @superstarsarah2019.
Five Steps to Teach Your Dog to Shake
Shake is one of the most common tricks that dogs learn. It's simple and a great way to practice training and bonding with your pup. Teaching new tricks and commands is all about rewarding the desired behavior and ignoring the behaviors you don't want. Follow these steps, and your dog will greet people with a shake in no time!
  1. Hold a treat in a closed fist. Let your dog sniff and nuzzle your hand. Eventually, they'll paw at your hand to get the treat. When they paw at your hand, praise them and give them the treat. This is the foundation. Ignore any behavior that isn't exactly what you want.
  2. When your dog is constantly pawing at your hand to get the treat, start to introduce the verbal cue of "shake."
  3. Phase out the treat in your hand. Present an empty fist to your dog and use the verbal cue. If they paw at your empty fist, praise them and reward them with a treat.
  4. Switch your empty fist to an open hand and give the verbal cue. Praise and reward them with a treat when they put their paw in your hand.
  5. Add a few seconds of duration to the paw hold and gently move your hand up and down in the hand-shaking motion. Keep rewarding with treats.
Image courtesy of Dogster.
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Craving a weekly dose of wholesome curiosity and a break from the "hustle culture"? Look no further! The Boonly is the perfect gift delivered to your inbox every Sunday.

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  • Curiosity-sparking content that fuels your imagination.
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Plan the Ultimate Dog-Friendly Road Trip
Taking a road trip is one of the best ways to get out and explore new places. Plus, it's a great way to bring your dog along on vacation because there are no restrictions on having your pup in the car. To plan the best dog-friendly road trip, follow these tips to make sure you have thought of everything and are able to have the most fun with your four-legged family member.
  • Plan your route. Even if you don't plan each turn, have an idea of the general route. It's best to plan about a month out. Understand what the weather and road conditions will look like. And make sure to add a few dog parks to your route to let your dog stretch their legs and get some exercise in.
  • Find accommodations. Use filters on hotel websites or vacation rentals to find pet-friendly options. Some chains, like Kimpton and La Quinta, don't charge additional pet fees. Camping is another great option if you're traveling somewhere beautiful. 
  • Pack right. Bring at least one roll of poop bags to ensure you leave no trace when visiting parks. Store dog food in a secured container and pack a little extra in case you get delayed. Use a collapsable bowl for water, and make sure your dog stays hydrated. 
  • Travel safe. Learn the rules of the states or countries that you're driving in. Secure your pup in the car with a safety harness or a pet seat belt to help keep them safe while riding. 
Enjoy the road while exploring new places with your dog! 
Image courtesy of Dog's Best Life.
Did You Know:
Answer: A dog can locate the source of a sound in 1/600 of a second and can hear sounds four times farther away than a human can. 
Final Bark
Check out The Boonly so you can have a paw-some Sunday and a break from the hustle culture!
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Dog of the Day!
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