Wednesday, August 30, 2023

πŸ• learn the rules of Disc Dog

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."
- Woodrow Wilson

Happy Wednesday! Here's the scoop: 
  • An easy way to confirm a dog's owner.
  • The rules and training methods for Disc Dog.
  • Fetching your inner peace with BetterHelp.
  • The top three states with dog bites for postal workers.
Did You Know...?
Which famous dog has a statue in Central Park?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
This is One Way to Confirm Dog Ownership
This heartwarming video shows the moment that an owner was reunited with her pup. The people who found the dog wanted to ensure that it was actually the dog, but it only took the dog a second to recognize their human and show their excitement for the reunion. Dogs are so loving.
The Basics of Disc Dog
Disc dog is a sport where dogs and humans work together as a team. Dogs rely on their owner to throw the disc well, and humans rely on the dogs to catch it. Some of the most common breeds in this sport include Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs, and Belgian Malinois. However, any dog that loves a frisbee could be a great fit for this fun activity.

To compete in disc dog, search for a Toss and Fetch league in your area. During the events, dogs get 60 seconds to make as many successful catches as possible.

To train your dog, the most important thing is to keep them engaged. To do so, try and make disc play a rare occurrence so they get excited to play with you. Make sure to utilize dog-safe discs that are meant to be caught with teeth. Additionally, start with short tosses and teach the dog to drop and play with a new disc immediately. 

If you've been looking for a fun activity to do with your toy-loving dog, check out Disc Dog and see if your pup has a natural ability to catch.
Image courtesy of Dogster.
Finding A Paw-sitive Outlook
Feeling overwhelmed, like you're constantly juggling a million things at once? BetterHelp is here to help. With BetterHelp, you can tap into a diverse network of over 25,000 licensed and experienced therapists. And because BetterHelp is 100% online, all of your sessions take place via video chat, phone call, and live text.

No need to worry about taking time off work or finding a sitter - you can have a therapy session during your lunch break or after the kids are in bed. To get started, just complete a quick questionnaire, and you can be matched with a professional therapist in less than 48 hours. It's time to prioritize yourself again, and BetterHelp is here to help. Start feeling better today with BetterHelp.
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit BetterHelp here!
Post Office Releases Dog Bite Statistics
Mail carriers work in all kinds of weather and elements, but one of their biggest dangers is aggressive dogs. To help raise awareness, the USPS released their recent stats about dog bites and mail carriers. Their employees are trained to deal with aggressive dogs and encouraged to avoid situations that don't feel safe, but they still had 5,300 employees attacked by dogs last year.

The states with the most dog bites were Texas and California, with New York coming in third. The top three cities were Houston, Los Angeles, and Dallas. Many of these attacks came from dogs whose owners regularly said, "My dog won't bite." Even good dogs have bad days, and many of these dogs had not previously exhibited aggressive behavior. 

Help protect your mail carrier by giving them a clear path to the mailbox. Keep your dog inside or in the backyard during the time of day that the mail is typically delivered to make their jobs a bit easier. You don't want your dog to be part of this statistic. 
Image courtesy of Dogington Post
Did You Know:
Answer: Balto! A statue of the Siberian Husky, Balto, is in New York City's Central Park. He was one of the sled dogs who helped deliver diphtheria treatment to Homer, Alaska, in 1925. The delivery prevented an epidemic of the disease. What a hero! 
Final Bark
Start taking the first steps towards paw-sitive changes in your life with BetterHelp! Betterhelp is easy, accessible, and affordable. Prioritize yourself and put your mental health first with BetterHelp!
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