Monday, August 28, 2023

πŸ• is it time to add a second dog to your family?

"A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won't be too bad."
- Robert Wagner

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop: 
  • This naughty pup tried to help take care of the plants.
  • Meet Belle, our DOTD feature!
  • Fur-realism: a pawsitive investment.
  • Questions you should ask before getting a second dog.
Did You Know...?
True or False: It's illegal to own a dog in Iran.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
This Dog Doesn't Quite Have a Green Thumb
Berkeley is a Goldendoodle who is featured playing and exploring on the Instagram account @naughty_berkeley. This specific video shows Berkeley after he tried to do a little plant care. It's clear that Berkely lacks any kind of green thumb, and was maybe just more interested in a new hat. 
Barksy, Meet Paw-Casso
Did you know that art could be a bark-worthy investment?

Research shows a portfolio that includes a 5% allocation to contemporary art has historically driven higher returns 98% of the time versus a "traditional" portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% bonds. 
But you're probably wondering: How is the average person supposed to get access to an asset that has been the exclusive domain of the ultra-rich for centuries? 
The answer is Masterworks, an award-winning platform for investing in fractionalized works of art. It's not just easy to use, Masterworks has completed 14 exits on their artwork, all of them profitable, with the three recent sales delivering net annualized returns of 17.8%, 21.5%, and 35% to investors. Join thousands of The Daily Dig readers on the platform by using this exclusive link to skip the waitlist.

*See important Regulation A disclosures at
Thank you to Masterworks for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Masterworks here!
Dog of the Day: Meet Belle
Thanks to our reader, Tom, for sending in pictures of Belle. She is an eight-month-old English Cream Miniature Longhaired Dachshund. She loves having fun in the sun. Whether she's sunning at the harbor, lounging by the pool, relaxing in the grass, or riding on a paddle board, she is happy to be outside with her humans. She just completed her first cross-country vacation as well. Sounds like she's having the perfect summer. Thanks for sharing, Tom! 
Image courtesy of Daily Dig reader Tom.
Is It the Right Time for a Second Dog?
Many families get a dog and instantly fall in love, but there's often the follow-up question of whether or not you should get a second dog so they can have a friend. If you find yourself in that space, and wondering whether or not you should add another canine to your family unit, make sure to review these questions and the pros or cons before making your decision.
  • Can I afford a second dog?
  • Is my family open and ready for a second dog?
  • Do I have time to walk, play, and enrich the lives of more than one dog?
  • Will training a new dog be practical?
  • Is my yard/home physically big enough for a second dog?
  • Does my dog really like other dogs?
  • Does my dog have behavioral problems that need to be addressed?
  • Is my dog healthy and well enough to accept another dog? 
The Pros of Getting a Second Dog:
  • Double the love and joy for you and your entire family.
  • Your current pup gets a new friend to help keep them entertained.
  • Exercise time is easier with two dogs if they play together.
  • Your first dog will feel more safe and secure at home with a pack-mate.
  • The second dog will offer companionship for your first dog.
  • If your first dog has separation anxiety, a second dog can really help with that.
The Cons of Getting a Second Dog:
  • Training two dogs is twice as hard, plus each one might be at a different level.
  • Double the mess, double the fur, double the poop.
  • Dogs can teach each other their bad habits so you might see some regression in your first dog.
  • Having two dogs can increase the risk of aggression and resource guarding.
  • Dogs may get jealous of each other and have behavior issues because of it.
  • The costs double for food, toys, vet bills, and boarding.
Once you've reviewed all of that information and feel comfortable with the decision, you'll be much more prepared to expand your pack. Then, you can start the fun process of finding the best fit for your family!
Image courtesy of Pretty Fluffy.
Did You Know:
Answer: Mostly true. In Iran, it is against the law to own a dog as a pet. However, if an owner can prove the dog is a guard or hunting dog, this restriction doesn't apply. Muslim reticence concerning dogs is perhaps due to the fact that rabies has always been endemic in the Middle East. 
Final Bark
Fancy yourself an Andy War-howl or Jackson Paw-llock fan? Check out Masterworks and learn how art can be a fantastic addition to your investment portfolio!
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Dog of the Day!
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