Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Fox News Bars Trump Team From Post-Debate Coverage (Daily Rundown by Newser)

Newser Newsletter
August 22, 2023
The Big Rundown
Nine candidates may have the numbers to officially qualify for the first Republican debate Wednesday night, but only eight will be on the stage. Keep reading
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More Big News
It's the stuff of movies, complete with a happy ending. Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
Australian authorities say they've identified a person of interest in the murder of AC/DC manager Crispin Dye some three decades after the fact. Keep reading
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Don't Overlook
Former President Trump holds a gargantuan lead over his Republican rivals in national polls. Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
A track for live horse racing in suburban Seattle turned prehistoric over the weekend as more than 200 people ran down the track cloaked in inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur costumes, reports the AP. Keep reading
Science Buzz
A new study cautions parents against turning on a phone or tablet to entertain toddlers for extended periods, finding 1-year-olds exposed to above-average screen time go on to suffer developmental delays. Keep reading
Wild Card
A renowned arts festival in Scotland has picked its top 10 jokes, and the winner is, as usual, one that might make you groan little. Keep reading
Comment of the Day
"He brought all the proper gear, but did he bring Wilson?"
Quote of the Day
"Everyone was praying for this moment."
Read This Elsewhere
The real story behind that photo of a weirdly unscathed house in the rubble of Lahaina
Today's 6 Most-Read Stories
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