Monday, August 14, 2023

A Georgia Worry for Trump: Pardon-Proof Charges (Daily Rundown by Newser)

Newser Newsletter
August 14, 2023
The Big Rundown
It looks like the fourth indictment of Donald Trump could come as soon as Tuesday, this time out of Georgia. Keep reading
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More Big News
Young environmental activists have scored a huge victory in Montana, where a judge has agreed that the state violated their constitutional right to "a clean and healthful environment." Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
Like a scene out of a horror movie, Michelle Lespron returned to her home in Tucson, Arizona, to find a snake had set up camp in her toilet. Keep reading
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Don't Overlook
Clarence Avant, the judicious manager, entrepreneur, facilitator, and adviser known as the "Godfather of Black Music" who helped launch or guide the careers of Quincy Jones, Bill Withers, and many others, has died. Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
If there was one Beatles song that the late George Harrison's mom could've picked to describe how she felt about some fans of her son's band, "Get Back" may have been a top contender. Keep reading
Science Buzz
Scientists have discovered that crocodiles become very interested when they hear a human baby wailing. Keep reading
Wild Card
Starbucks has notched a win against a conservative group that tried to stymie its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Keep reading
Quote of the Day
"Thank God the lid was closed."
Read This Elsewhere
The 1961 film that was eerily prescient
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