Sunday, August 13, 2023

'Open Secret' of CPR: It's Usually Futile (Newser Sunday Summary)

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Newser Newsletter
August 13, 2023
If You Only Read One Thing
A palliative care physician's in-depth look at CPR in the New Yorker may leave you thinking differently about the procedure. Keep reading
On the National Stage
Now that crews are finally able to search inside burnt-out homes in Hawaii, the inevitable has occurred: The death toll has jumped. Keep reading
On the World Stage
The US and its European allies are importing vast amounts of nuclear fuel and compounds from Russia, providing Moscow with hundreds of millions of dollars in badly needed revenue as it wages war on Ukraine, per the AP. Keep reading
Weekend Jaw-Dropper
Two Canadian seniors were born 67 years ago in the same small rural hospital in Arborg, Manitoba, and those babies left the maternity ward with different families, their paths seemingly destined to never cross again. Keep reading
Wild Card
If you weren't sure who Woody Harrelson intends to vote for in 2024, he just offered what may be a big clue. Keep reading
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And Don't Overlook...
Some tales of mysterious disappearances have taken an unexpected turn after family and friends seeking answers discovered "Adventures with Purpose" (AWP). Keep reading
Think of it as the great-grandson of LOL, after ROFL and LMAO. Keep reading
One of the Fast & Furious stars is suing Home Depot over alleged racial discrimination. Keep reading
College football players have each other's backs on the field, but one athlete from Eastern Michigan University has proven in a big way that he has teammate Zack Conti's back off the field, too. Keep reading
Police officers and sheriff's deputies raided the offices of a Kansas newspaper on Friday, taking computers and cellphones, apparently in response to a confidential source providing documents to the paper's staff. Keep reading
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