Friday, August 25, 2023

πŸ• is your dog healthier with a friend?

"It's not the size of a dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
- Mark Twain

Happy Friday! Here's the scoop: 
  • Meet Ona, a yorkie who has completed 50 races.
  • Try this frozen pupsicle recipe.
  • Start feeling more paw-sitive.
  • Is it healthier for dogs to be in a single dog household? 
Did You Know...?
True or False: President Franklin Roosevelt almost created an international incident over his dog.

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
This Yorkie is a Seasoned Runner
Ona weighs just six pounds and is only six inches tall. In the last six years, she has completed nearly 50 races. Her average pace in the 5k runs is just over an eight-minute mile. Her owner, Jeff Jones, is a California Highway Patrolman and a runner himself. He used to take Ona hiking and realized that she was very high-energy. 

The duo signed up for their first 5k in 2016. Jones wasn't sure how Ona would do, but when he tried to give her a water break halfway through, she refused and kept running. She's incredibly focused when she's running. The older she gets, the faster she's running, so they aren't giving up any time soon. 
Image courtesy of Dogster.
Recipe: Do(g)-It-Yourself Frozen Fruit Popsicles for Dog
Cold treats are incredible for summer. These popsicles are easy to make and include healthy treats your dog will love. It doesn't require any special molds or unique supplies, either, so it's a great DIY for any dog owner!

Frozen Dog Popsicles
You'll need: plastic cups, unsweetened yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, chew sticks, and scissors.
  1. Grab the plastic cup and put a layer of yogurt on the bottom.
  2. Add a fruit layer to the bottom layer, and then add yogurt to the top. 
  3. Continue with another layer of fruit and top off with yogurt. Ingredients should fill your cup about ¼ of the way full.
  4. Insert a chew stick in the middle to be the popsicle stick and put it in the freezer.
  5. Once the treat is completely frozen, remove it and use the scissors to cut away the plastic cup.
Image courtesy of Dogster.
A Paw-sitive Way To Prioritize You
Feeling overwhelmed, like you're constantly juggling a million things at once? BetterHelp is here to help. With BetterHelp, you can tap into a diverse network of over 25,000 licensed and experienced therapists. And because BetterHelp is 100% online, all of your sessions are via video chat, phone call, and live text.

No need to worry about taking time off work or finding a sitter - you can have a therapy session during your lunch break or after the kids are in bed. To get started, just complete a quick questionnaire, and you can be matched with a professional therapist in less than 48 hours. It's time to prioritize yourself again, and BetterHelp is here to help. Start feeling better today with BetterHelp.
Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit BetterHelp here!
Studies Show Dogs May Be Healthier With a Friend
A recent study conducted by the Dog Aging Product (DAP) determined that having another dog in the household had a five times stronger effect on a dog's health than other factors, like financial and household stability. Social environment components greatly impact the dog's health and lifespan. 

The study used data from 21,210 dogs, both purebred and mixed-breed. It also showed that dogs in homes without children and dogs with older owners were healthier than their counterparts in different households. 

If you've been looking for a sign to get another dog, maybe this is exactly the sign you were looking for. 
Image courtesy of the Dogington Post.
Did You Know:
Answer: True. President Franklin Roosevelt created a minor international incident when he claimed he sent a destroyer to the Aleutian Island to pick up his Scottish Terrier, Fala, who had been left behind.
Final Bark
Make getting therapy a paw-sitive experience and start feeling better today! Prioritize you with BetterHelp.
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