Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Mansion Was Vacant, So Who Was Throwing the Parties? (Newser Deep Dive)

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March 23, 2024
The realtor first knew something was hinky about the vacant mansion he had listed for $5 million near Beverly Hills when the pool guy called. It seems someone had pulled up in a U-Haul and moved in, and the pool guy wondered if he'd be kept on. Keep reading
The phenomenon of "influencer parents" has been around long enough now that many of the once-young children featured in their videos and social media posts have grown into adults. And as Cosmopolitan explains, they are encountering a harsh truth upon turning 18: They're not entitled to a single penny of the money they generated from living their lives in public. Keep reading
Even as legal marijuana becomes more common, the market for illegal pot thrives across the US. And as an investigation by ProPublica and the Frontier makes clear, that market is increasingly dominated by organized crime outfits from China. Keep reading
"We have a bone grafting problem here in Utah." The quote is from an orthodontist in a ProPublica investigation into the treatment of cleft lips and palates in the state, which has a higher-than-usual number of such cases. Keep reading
A profile of longtime political consultant Hal Machow in Politico Magazine is notable on two fronts. First, Malchow has written a book in which he advocates for a fundamental change in political advertising. Keep reading
Ten years ago this month, a social worker at Relisha Rudd's Washington, DC, elementary school went to the homeless shelter where the 8-year-old lived with her family, concerned because she'd been absent for 10 days. He wanted to talk to the person listed as Relisha's doctor, Kahlil Tatum. Keep reading
From the Archives
Sara Gruen became a best-selling author in 2006 with her novel Water for Elephants, which was later turned into a movie. Gruen has received tons of fan mail over the years, including a 2015 letter from convicted murderer Charles Murdoch, who is imprisoned in California. Keep reading
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