Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Man Who Spent 72 Years in an Iron Lung Has Died (Daily Rundown by Newser)

Newser Newsletter
March 13, 2024
The Big Rundown
A man deemed by Guinness World Records as having been the longest iron lung patient died Monday. Keep reading
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More Big News
Don Lemon says a partnership with X didn't work out because Elon Musk isn't the "free speech absolutist" he claims to be. Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
An 80-year-old Montana man has pleaded guilty to two felonies in what federal prosecutors describe as an "audacious scheme to create massive hybrid sheep species to be sold and hunted as trophies." Keep reading
Don't Overlook
US Army boats are en route to the Mediterranean holding the equipment needed to build a floating pier off Gaza. Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
Australian billionaire Clive Palmer says he plans to build a replica of the Titanic, to set sail in a few years. Keep reading
Science Buzz
In some states, pot hasn't yet been legalized, and even in states where it has been, you have to be 21 to legally consume it. Keep reading
Wild Card
Whatever you think you know of shingles, it's probably not extreme enough. Keep reading
Comment of the Day
"Those things look like an octopus attacked your foot."
Quote of the Day
"I went from feeling completely fine one day, to waking up in a hospital bed after a 10-hour surgery the next."
Read This Elsewhere
They Sell Candy Instead of Going to School. New York Isn't Stopping Them
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