Saturday, March 16, 2024

She Didn't Survive the 4-Minute Drive Home (Newser Deep Dive)

Newser Newsletter
March 16, 2024
Not much information was released about the February death of Angela Chao, a shipping executive with ties to China (and Mitch McConnell's sister-in-law), beyond the fact that she died in a car accident. Now, the Wall Street Journal takes an extensive look at her final moments, as well as at Chao herself and the life she led up until her death at age 50. Keep reading
There are more questions than answers when it comes to the story of Rebecca Vance, the Colorado mom who took her sister, Christine Vance, and 13-year-old son, Talon, into the Colorado wilderness to live off-grid—only to perish. She had been transfixed by conspiracy theories, fearing plots designed to "take away our soul and humanity," as she told one friend via text. Keep reading
It's a general truth that air pollution from factories and highways affects the poor more than the rich because of where people are able to live. But wildfire smoke? Keep reading
Syphilis cases have been surging in the US over the last several years, and ProPublica zeroes in on the most vulnerable cohort of patients—infants. The crux of the story is how a drug shortage is costing lives: The impact: The disease is easily spread from a pregnant woman to her fetus, and roughly 40% of babies born to women with untreated syphilis are stillborn or die as infants. Keep reading
Residents of Toronto who aim to be buried in their city better be planning ahead. Because as Inori Roy reports in the Local, the city is quickly running out of burial space. Keep reading
From the Archives
For almost everyone on the planet, an email that simply read "PG" and "CndP" would be meaningless. For 24 sommeliers, it was devastating, and the start of a wine-world scandal that still has more questions that answers. Keep reading
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