Sunday, March 17, 2024

Horrifying Predator Groups Target Kids on Popular Apps (Newser Sunday Summary)

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March 17, 2024
If You Only Read One Thing
This isn't an easy story to stomach, so read with caution. Keep reading
On the National Stage
Donald Trump spoke at a campaign rally in Vandalia, Ohio, on Saturday, with his remarks on migrants and about a potential "bloodbath" should he lose the election drawing particular attention. Keep reading
On the World Stage
Russians crowded outside polling stations at midday Sunday on the last day of a three-day presidential election, apparently heeding an opposition call to protest against President Vladimir Putin, who is poised to extend his rule of nearly a quarter-century for six more years after a relentless crackdown on dissent. Keep reading
Weekend Jaw-Dropper
The same week CAA wrapped up negotiations on a two-year extension for Bill Maher's HBO show Real Time, the host severed ties with his longtime talent agency. Keep reading
Wild Card
The realtor first knew something was hinky about the vacant mansion he had listed for $5 million near Beverly Hills when the pool guy called. Keep reading
And Don't Overlook...
Big Player in American Pot: Chinese Mafias
Even as legal marijuana becomes more common, the market for illegal pot thrives across the US. Keep reading
When Influencers' Kids Grow Up, a Harsh Reality
The phenomenon of "influencer parents" has been around long enough now that many of the once-young children featured in their videos and social media posts have grown into adults. Keep reading
Utah's Pediatric Surgeons: Do They 'Overoperate?'
"We have a bone grafting problem here in Utah." Keep reading
Scientists Urge French to Cut Down on Frog Legs
Hundreds of concerned scientists are asking French President Emmanuel Macron to put the brakes on a very French custom: eating frog legs. Keep reading
The Plane Landed. Then Workers Saw the Missing Panel
A post-flight inspection revealed a missing panel on an older Boeing 737-800 that had just arrived at its destination in southern Oregon on Friday after flying from San Francisco, officials said, the latest in a series of recent incidents involving aircraft manufactured by the company. Keep reading
How You Voted This Week
This Week's 6 Most-Read Stories
Pacino's Oscar Moment Causes a Stir
Independent Journalist Flagged Katie Britt's Timeline
Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead Amid Deposition
Georgia Woman Loses Her Life Trying to Get Dropped AirPod
One Small Mistake During a 3-Point Turn Led to Her Death
Deal May Be Biggest Jolt to Housing Market in a Century
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