Thursday, February 22, 2024

πŸ• Endangered species gets help from a Golden Retriever

"You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow you're right! I never would've thought of that.'"
- Dave Barry

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: Why do dogs wag their tails?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Golden Retriever Helps With Three Endangered African Painted Dogs
In late 2023, the Potawatomi Zoo in South Bend, Indiana, welcomed three new African Painted Dog pups. They were born to mother Bleu and father Maurice, but they had quite a challenging start to their lives. Within 12 hours of their birth, it became clear to the Zoo's Animal Care team that the mother and father did not know how to raise the puppies. Bleu wasn't caring for and nursing the pups like they needed.

The Zoo staff reached out to the African Painted Dog Species Survival Plan, which is a group of zoo professionals who know how to handle the situation best. The staff needed to remain as hands-off as possible and keep the pups in a canine social structure, so the zoo professionals advised finding a surrogate domestic dog to help. 

Kassy is a Golden Retriever who had her own puppies the day after these orphan pups were born. She accepted the puppies immediately and began to nurse and care for them like they were her own. Now that they are growing and healthy, the zoo is working on finding a permanent home for them near the other African Painted Dogs. This will allow them to learn to live like their species. How incredible to see different species of the canine family working together! 
Image courtesy of Potawatomi Zoo
How Often Does Your Dog Really Need to Pee?
Once dogs are potty trained, you might wonder exactly how often they need to be let outside. Every dog is a bit different, and no two bladders are the same, but you should be letting your dog out to pee at least every six hours. 

Most dog owners take their dogs out first thing in the morning and then right before bed, but the midday walks and outside time can vary by household. It is important to get them at least two times during the day. If you aren't able to be home during the day, consider getting a dog walker who can help your pup get a little exercise and relieve themselves.

Once dogs reach their senior years, multiple factors can impact their ability to hold their bladders. You can talk to your vet about options and their health, but it's important to watch your dog's signals. Change the frequency of their outside time to every three to four hours instead of waiting six. Diapers or pee pads might be a solution if you can't get them out more often.

There are a few signals you should watch for that will signal health issues with your dog. If you notice an unusual odor, blood in the urine, difficulty eliminating, or increased thirst and urination, contact your vet. Your dog could be suffering from bladder stones, UTIs, or a more serious medical issue. You can learn a lot from keeping a close eye on your dog's routine
Image courtesy of Daily Paws
Can You Speak Fluent Dog?
Dogs, like cats, use a variety of sounds to communicate with humans and other animals. Understanding these vocalizations can provide valuable insights into a dog's emotions and intentions.

Barking is perhaps the most recognizable dog sound, with different pitches and frequencies conveying distinct meanings. A rapid, high-pitched bark often signifies excitement or alertness, such as when greeting a familiar person or warning of approaching strangers. A deep, repetitive bark may indicate aggression or territorial behavior, serving as a deterrent to potential threats.

Whining and whimpering are softer vocalizations typically associated with distress, discomfort, or seeking attention. Dogs may whine when they are anxious, in pain, or feeling lonely, signaling a desire for comfort or reassurance from their owners.

Growling is a warning signal that dogs use to express displeasure, assert dominance, or establish boundaries. While growling can be intimidating, it's essential to recognize that it's a form of communication rather than outright aggression. Dogs may growl when they feel threatened, fearful, or possessive of resources like food or toys.

Howling is a haunting sound often associated with wolves but also exhibited by some dog breeds. Dogs may howl in response to sirens, other dogs' howls, or as a form of communication over long distances.

Overall, paying attention to a dog's vocalizations, along with their body language and context, can help decipher their messages and strengthen the bond between dogs and their human companions.
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Listen to captivating podcasts while on the go or explore fascinating cultural insights through engaging articles. With Babbel, learning is never dull! Just 10 minutes a day and you'll be speaking real-world conversations in just 3 weeks.

Don't miss your chance to experience the fun side of language learning with their limited-time President's Day discount of 60%!
Thanks to Babbel for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
Healthy Blueberry Recipe for Your Dog's Lick Mat
Lick mats are a great way to entertain your dog. It allows them to focus on something while enjoying a tasty treat. There are many things you can add to the lick mat to get your dog's attention. This recipe is delicious and includes ingredients that benefit your pup's health. Add this to a therapeutic lick mat and allow your dog to enjoy some self-care. 

Lick Mat Recipe
You'll need: One cup of blueberries, one tbsp of chia seeds, one banana, ½ cup of plain coconut milk yogurt or plain Greek yogurt, one cup of quick oats, ½ cup of cold water, and extra blueberries or bananas if you have them.
  1. Blend blueberries until pureed. Pour into a bowl and add the chia seeds. Let sit for 10 minutes so it can become a dog-safe jam.
  2. Blend the water, banana, and yogurt until smooth. Pour the mixture into the oats and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. 
  3. Add about ¼ cup of the oat mixture to the lick mat. Add a few dollops of the chia seed/blueberry mixture and then swirl the two together using a spoon.
  4. Add fresh blueberries or bananas to the mat for an extra enrichment activity.
Image courtesy of Peace, Love & Frenchie Farts
This Pup Is A Social Media Superstar
Doug the Pug, a social media sensation and beloved internet personality, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with his adorable squishy face, charming personality, and hilarious antics. With over 15 million followers across various social media platforms, Doug has become a bona fide celebrity in the world of pets.

This lovable canine, known for his signature outfits and clever captions, rose to fame through his Instagram account, where his daily adventures and playful demeanor brighten the feeds of fans everywhere. From dressing up as iconic characters to recreating famous movie scenes, Doug's creative posts never fail to bring smiles to faces.

Beyond his online presence, Doug the Pug has also made appearances in music videos, commercials, and even authored his own book, delighting fans of all ages. His friendly disposition and photogenic charm have earned him numerous accolades, including the title of "The King of Pop Culture" by Rolling Stone Magazine.

But perhaps Doug's greatest achievement is his ability to spread joy and positivity across the internet, serving as a reminder of the simple pleasures of life and the unconditional love of our furry friends. In a world often filled with chaos and negativity, Doug the Pug stands as a beacon of happiness, reminding us to embrace laughter and celebrate the adorable quirks that make each pet so special.

Image courtesy of Doug The Pug
The Power Of Social Media
Utilizing the power of social media influencers, particularly those with smaller but dedicated followings, has proven to be a paw-some strategy for dog brands looking to boost their sales and reach new audiences. Just like how giving out free treats or toys to dog influencers can lead to wagging tails and happy pups, brands have seen a significant uptick in revenue—up to 5 times in just two months—by collaborating with these four-legged social media stars.

With platforms like Stack Influence, which acts as a virtual dog park for connecting brands with influencers, companies such as Unilever, Magic Spoon, and Blueland have successfully expanded their reach and grown their monthly revenue.

By tapping into the authentic connections that these canine influencers have with their followers, brands not only see an increase in sales but also benefit from the user-generated content shared by these furry ambassadors. This content serves as a tail-wagging endorsement that resonates with dog lovers everywhere, ultimately driving more customers to fetch their products.

Just as dogs rely on their pack for support and guidance, brands are building a loyal army of influencers and affiliates who continue to fetch new customers and spread the word about their products across the vast landscape of social media.

Learn more about Stack Influence here!

Thanks to Stack Influence for sponsoring The Daily Dig.
A Little Treat:
  • ✅ Did You Know: Because the rest of them is too heavy!
  • 🐢 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs in the winter. This could be anything from your pup playing in the snow, to your pup cozily curled up inside. Reply to this email with the best pics of your pooch, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
  • 🧼 Study, The Dirtiest Parts of Our Bodies We May Forget To Wash: For many of us, the feeling of stepping out of a shower, all fresh and clean, is unmatched. But are you actually clean when you step out of the shower?...
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