Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Trump's Favorite Line of Attack on Biden May Have a Problem (Daily Rundown by Newser)

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October 31, 2023
The Big Rundown
One of former President Trump's favorite campaign themes is that 80-year-old President Biden is too old and prone to gaffes to win reelection. Keep reading
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This is how thousands are heating up their homes and slashing electric bills. Try Now

More Big News
There's plenty of other stuff to worry about, but a roadway mystery has captured the attention of residents in Florida's St. Johns County. Keep reading
Also Making Headlines
Today's Jaw-Dropper
According to its Airbnb listing, the "Castle House" in Alpena, Michigan, is an "incredible historic home" that's "bursting with charm." Keep reading
Don't Overlook
WanaBana fruit puree pouches might sound like a healthy option for parents to give their kids, but the FDA is warning that anyone who consumed one should get their blood tested for what appears to be "extremely high concentrations of lead." Keep reading
On the Lighter Side
An American dad channeled his inner Clark Griswold as he was driving the family around Munich while on vacation. Keep reading
Science Buzz
It wasn't so much the asteroid impact that killed 75% of the species on Earth some 66 million years ago, but the fact that, for the following two years, little, if anything, could grow. Keep reading
Wild Card
It's one of the weirder political stories of the day: Politico Magazine talked to three boot-makers about the pair worn by Ron DeSantis, and all suspect the Florida governor is wearing lifts to boost his height. Keep reading
Comment of the Day
"Driving tests should include the ability to ignore incorrect robot instructions."
Winston Smith
Quote of the Day
"No one expects to be attacked by a horde of bats."
Read This Elsewhere
The history of the drug-laced candy myth
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