Thursday, October 19, 2023

🐕 ways to love and protect senior dogs

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."
- Samuel Butler

Happy Thursday! Here's the scoop: 
  • This rescue pup partied hard on his first night at the shelter.
  • Would you try a self-cleaning dog toilet? 
  • Fetching financial tips.
  • Ten tips to keeping your senior dog happy and healthy.
  • AI-generated dogs?
Did You Know...?
What is a double coat on a dog?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Rescue Pup Throws an Epic Party
Titan was a Husky that was brought in just an hour before the shelter employees went home for the evening. They got him settled and closed up. Shortly after the humans left, Titan found a way to free himself from the crate and spent the evening having a party. The staff returned in the morning and were in shock. He had spent the night destroying everything in the office. 

The staff brilliantly made the decision to post about his party on social media. Thanks to that post, Titan was adopted almost immediately. He is now living in his forever home with another Husky. Hopefully, he's still having fun, but maybe with less destruction.
Image courtesy of Global Positive News.
Go Fetch Finance Tips!
Making sure your finances are in good shape is a smart way to avoid unnecessary stress. When you stay on top of your money, it's like having a safety net for those surprise expenses or money worries. By planning your budget wisely and fetching some clever tricks, you can wag the tail off tight money moments and feel more pawsitive about your financial situation.

Did you know some credit cards can actually help you get out of debt faster? Yes, it sounds crazy. But it's true. The secret: Find a card with a "0% intro APR" period for balance transfers. Then, transfer your debt balance and pay it down as much as possible during the intro period. No interest means you could pay off the debt faster.

You can check out these credit cards today to learn more.
Thank you to Finance Buzz for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Finance Buzz here!
A Self-Cleaning Dog Toilet?
Fydoo released a self-cleaning toilet for dogs, and they are working to get additional funding on Shark Tank. The toilet is designed for pet parents who live in an apartment without a backyard, somewhere with lots of bad weather days, or people who are currently potty training their dogs. 

The contraption requires access to a water tap and a waste drain on the floor. It could work in some laundry rooms, bathrooms, courtyards, or balconies. There is a sensor that detects when your dog uses the toilet, and the high-pressure water jets clean the grass and break down solid waste. 

Is this the future for pet owners? The environmentally-friendly system might be perfect for some dogs to take care of business.
Image courtesy of Pretty Fluffy.
Ten Ways to Help Your Senior Dog Enjoy Their Golden Years
Dogs are part of our families, and we want them to be comfortable and happy even as they get older. If you have a senior dog, you might wonder how to keep them happy and healthy. These ten tips will help you keep your pup feeling good even as they age.
  1. Have regular vet visits. Once they get older, scheduling checkups every six months is better. This can help vets catch any problems early and help treat them.
  2. Be aware of any physical and mental changes. Dogs will try to hide any pain or discomfort, so just pay close attention to any changes in their behavior.
  3. Keep your senior dog physically active. Mobility is important to keep joints and muscles toned. Walks are great for keeping dogs active without too much intensity. 
  4. Mentally stimulate your dog. Teach your dogs new tricks or introduce new puzzle toys that challenge their minds. Even games like hide and seek can help their brains stay sharp.
  5. Maintain a safe environment. As they age, dogs may lose hearing or sight, so keeping their environment safe and obstacle-free is important. Slippery surfaces can present issues as well when dogs have mobility challenges. 
  6. Make necessary diet and supplement changes. Talk to your vet about the best supplements and nutrition options for your dog as they age. They may need different food when they are less active. Omega three fatty acids can help with joint health as well.
  7. Cater to their special needs. Dogs may have to go to the bathroom more often when they get older, so potty pads may be necessary. You may also need harnesses or special feeders to make their daily activities easier.
  8. Grooming should be scheduled regularly. Grooming sessions allow you to check your dog's condition and catch lumps, bumps, and other issues. It also helps stimulate the skin and keep it healthy.
  9. Give extra love and attention. Spend time showering your pup with extra love and attention. Spend time snuggling together and going on special excursions. 
  10. Be patient and enjoy the golden years. Soak in these moments with your dog and be present with them as much as possible. Time goes fast, so make sure to enjoy the moments. 
Image courtesy of Puppy in Training.
AI Generated... Dogs?
Have you ever been curious about the technology behind helpful chatbots on websites and smart assistants like Alexa and Siri? It's called Artificial Intelligence (AI)! AI has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, making tasks easier and more efficient. It can even create paw-some images like this one:
AI algorithms also power personalized recommendations on streaming platforms like Netflix, ensuring you always find something you'll love. In the realm of healthcare, AI aids in the analysis of medical images, enabling more accurate diagnoses.

Whether it's crafting compelling marketing materials, informative articles, or engaging social media posts, Constant Contact's content generator simplifies the content creation process so you can convey messages more clearly and connect with your audience more effectively. You can learn more or give it a go for yourself here!
Thanks to Constant Contact for sponsoring The Daily Dig! Learn more here.
Did You Know:
Answer: Double coats are two layers of fur. It's common in breeds that come from cold climates. 
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is pups playing dress up.

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