Monday, October 30, 2023

πŸ• Halloween safety tips for dogs

"If dogs could talk, perhaps we would find it as hard to get along with them as we do with people."
- Capek

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
Joke: What kind of dog does Dracula have?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Rescue Pup Felt Most at Home at the Senior Center
Scout was staying at a Michigan animal shelter but felt better suited to a senior care facility in the neighborhood. He first snuck out and traveled quite a ways to the senior center. He simply climbed up on the couch and made himself at home. This happened repeatedly. The dog would sneak out, and the staff would find him at the senior center and return him.

After a few times, the staff realized that the dog just wanted to be there instead of the shelter, so they adopted him. They gave him a name, Scout, and have cared for him lovingly. It was obvious that he felt safe there, and now he has free reign of the nursing home! He visits the residents and knows which ones keep treats. We are happy he found a special home!
Image courtesy of The Dogington Post.
Where To Find Deals On Pet Supplies
Online shopping platforms, like Amazon, have emerged as go-to destinations for pet owners seeking great deals on essential items for their beloved dogs. With an extensive array of products ranging from dog food and treats, to toys and grooming supplies, these sites offer convenience and affordability, often providing a diverse selection of brands and products to suit various preferences and budgets. 

What's more, they often always have the best deals and hidden offers that can save you even more money. If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you may be able to take advantage of these special perks.

Amazon Prime offers more than just speedy delivery; it includes unlimited photo storage, free release-date delivery, and early access to lightning deals, among other hidden benefits. If you want your pup to look the best at the Halloween parties this year, check out these 10 hidden perks that can enhance your membership and save you money! 
Thank you to Brad's Deals for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Brad's Deals here!
Dog of the Day: Meet Tara
Tara is a four-year-old Maltipoo submitted by our reader, Diane. Tara was Diane's 13th foster pup, but the connection was strong because Diane decided to become her forever home. Is there anything cuter than animals dressing up as other animals? Thanks for sharing, Diane! 
Image courtesy of Daily Dig reader Diane.
AI-Generated Dogs?
Pop Quiz! Which image is a real pup and which one is AI-generated?
(Hint: This AI pup is not a mountain climber!)

Have you ever been curious about the technology behind helpful chatbots on websites and smart assistants like Alexa and Siri? It's called Artificial Intelligence (AI)! AI has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, making tasks easier and more efficient. 

One of our favorite AI tools is Constant Contact. Whether it's crafting compelling marketing materials, informative articles, or engaging social media posts, Constant Contact's content generator simplifies the content creation process so you can convey messages more clearly and connect with your audience more effectively. You can learn more or give it a go for yourself here!
Thanks to Constant Contact for sponsoring The Daily Dig. Learn more here.
Halloween Safety Tips for Your Dog
Halloween is such a fun holiday, but dogs might not always agree. It can be overwhelming with lots of children dressed up in scary costumes and a doorbell that keeps on ringing. If you have a pup, taking a few steps to keep them safe and happy this Halloween is important.
  • Prepare your home. Many Halloween decorations can be a hazard for your pups. Be careful of candles, glow sticks, batteries, candy, fog machines, etc. Keep everything out of the pup's reach so they have a safe place to hang out when you aren't home.
  • Give your dog a safe space. If you are throwing a party or inviting trick-or-treaters, give your pup a quiet, safe place to hang out. It can be overwhelming with so many people coming and going, strange costumes, and noise-making decorations.
  • Entertain the dog. Leave a Kong with some frozen peanut butter for them to chew on and turn on some music on to help block the noise. 
  • Let your pup skip trick or treating. It's not advisable to bring your dog trick or treating. They would be subject to all the same scary things, but the chance of them getting freed from their collar is much higher. 
  • Create your own Halloween celebration with your dog. Just because they can't participate in some of the activities you're used to, you can still enjoy the holiday with them. Dress them up in a costume or create a dog-friendly treat to share with them. 
  • Watch for signs of anxiety. If your dog is panting, hiding, barking excessively, drooling, or acting strange, help them find a safe space to relax. Calming aids can help, like a thunder shirt. You can also talk to your vet about options to help them in stressful situations. 
Image courtesy of Puppy in Training.
Did You Know:
Answer: A bloodhound.
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Dog of the Day!
Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is pups playing dress up.

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