Friday, October 13, 2023

πŸ• Taylor Swift albums paired with dog breeds

"You know you're a dog mom when you can't go to the bathroom without an escort."
- Unknown

Happy Friday! Here's the scoop: 
  • Dog breeds matched up with Taylor Swift albums 
  • Pumpkin and peanut butter treats 
  • Every day 27,000 trees are cut down for...
  • Tips to help find the right dog groomer 
Did You Know...?
How many dogs are currently in the world?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Which Breeds Pair with Taylor Swift Albums
Taylor Swift has definitely not had a quiet year, and now she's also taking over the NFL and releasing a concert to movie theaters. So, why not see how she fits into the world of dogs (we are always welcoming to cat people.) Here are her ten albums and which dog breed would best match with that album's vibe.
  • Taylor Swift Debut - The Golden Retriever would be perfect. They are loyal and full of love, plus their luscious curls match her original hairstyle.
  • Fearless - The Afghan Hound would be a great match for this. They are independent and brave while looking very majestic.
  • Speak Now - With the drama of her stage shows, the Siberian Husky is the best fit for this album. 
  • Red - This is Taylor's Corgi era. The album is a mishmash of feelings and also a fan favorite, and the Corgi seems to fit those descriptions. 
  • 1989 - This was Taylor's crossover into pop and boosted her into a global sensation. The Bernedoodle is a hybrid that has a huge fan base.
  • Reputation - The American Pit Bull Terrier has an undeserved reputation, so it's the perfect match to this album, where she talks about being grossly misunderstood in the public eye.
  • Lover - A colorful and campy album perfectly pairs with a Bichon Frise. This breed is cheerful and enthusiastic. 
  • Folklore/Evermore - This indie folk album is a walk in the woods wearing a cardigan, which works with a Bernese Mountain Dog. 
  • Midnights - With the song, Snow on the Beach, there is no better match the the Alaskan Malamute.
Image courtesy of Dog Time
Saving The Trees With Bamboo
Every 24 hours, our planet loses 27,000 trees in the name of toilet paper.

Enter Honeycomb, the eco-conscious solution. Their 3-ply toilet tissue rivals high-end TP, all while preserving our precious trees.

The secret? It's crafted from 100% bamboo, a sustainable resource that grows 80 times faster than traditional trees. They are nurturing the environment while you experience unmatched comfort.

Even better? New customers get 30% off their first order for the next 24 hours with code EARTH30. Try it now!
Thank you to Honeycomb for sponsoring today's Daily Dig - and thank you for supporting the sponsors who help us deliver the content you love at no cost to you. Visit Honeycomb here!
Recipe: Do(g)-It-Yourself Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Treats
We are in full-blown pumpkin season, so why not make some treats to let your pups get in on the fun? These simple pumpkin and peanut butter treats are easy to make, and your dog is sure to love them.

Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats
You'll need: two cups of flour, one cup of canned pumpkin puree, and half a cup of dog-safe peanut butter
  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the pumpkin and peanut butter.
  3. Stir in flour and combine the mixture into a dough.
  4. Roll out the dough onto a flour-covered surface. Cut out shapes you want for your treats.
  5. Place the shapes ½ inch apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
  6. Bake for 12 minutes and then allow to cool before serving.
Image courtesy of American Kennel Club
Find the Right Groomer for Your Dog
Grooming is very important for your dog's health. Keeping them clean and free from mats and knots in their hair will help them stay healthy and active. Some of the grooming can be done at home, like brushing your dog's fur, but some tasks are better left to a professional. Each dog breed has different requirements for grooming because they have different types of coats and climates. 

Steps to find the right groomer:
  • Ask around to the dog owners in your life. Get recommendations from people you know, your vet, or doggy daycare. Read the online reviews as well to ensure you don't see any red flags. Groomers should have some certification to prove that they've been trained.
  • Tour the grooming facility. Check the lighting, the cleanliness, and the temperature, and ask to see where the dogs are hanging out while waiting for their appointment.
  • Check the prices. The cost of grooming will depend on what services you need, where you live, and whether or not you're using an at-home service. 
  • Help your dog get comfortable. Dogs may be a little afraid at first, so you can help them get used to it by brushing them every day and rewarding them. Then practicing bathing and reward for that. Those will help them get used to being groomed.
  • Alert the groomer of any health concerns. Make sure your dog has all their shots and vaccinations up-to-date. If you have any concerns, communicate them to the groomer so they can proceed with caution.
  • Be calm and short with your drop-offs. Don't make the drop-off a big deal, keep your energy low. This will help keep the pup calm going in. 
Image courtesy of Dog Time
Did You Know:
Answer: The estimates are over 900 million. 
Final Bark
Honeycomb is the eco-conscious solution to the 27,000 trees lost every day all in the name of toilet paper. Their eco-friendly, luxurious toilet tissue is crafted from 100% bamboo- a sustainable resource that grows 80 times faster than trees! New customers can get 30% off their first order with code EARTH30. Try it out today!
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Dog of the Day!
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