Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back into the old routine

Just got back from Mexico and will write a bit about my adventures
with my 22 year old son - Matt
Update 12/09/2008 ....Adventures are brewing
(as I lookout my window at the snow). Stayed
tuned for...the future AdventuresWithBob.com

Something New--
Need computer help while I'm on
the road. Skype offers a new service - Skype Find
(for my current customers, I'll cut you one heck of a deal :)

Skype Me™!

Being back in the United States has made me a little lethargic...and anxious to travel more. Over the last several days I've been hanging out with my two sons - Matt 21 and Eric 19. It's been a neat experience, as I've been able to watch them as they go about their daily lives between school, work and hanging out with friends. I guess my big question is, when do these boys ever get a chance to study when they are always playing video games? I quess one needs a little down time and they are both excellent students. I will probably have to erase this once Eric sees it but oh well. Eric appears to have a girlfriend....and she's a real sweetheart!!! ...and Matt doesn't have one which I think is the first time since he was in first grade.

One thing I like about spending time in or around a univesity this large, is there is such a wide variety of ethnic restaurants. There are more Asian restaurants on one block than there are in all of Stevens County, with a few left over, and all light years better than the Mandarin Garden. Of course if you have eaten there, it's not an experience that's worth repeating. Sorry Thomas...nothing personal.

I'm going to end it here as I find myself describing what many would find much less an adventure and more of a journal of my daily routine. What I will promise to do in the not-to-distant future is to write a wrapup of the past forty days.

I think I've been bitten by the travel bug!!! and theres only one way to cure that...and that's for me to GET OUT AND SEE WORLD. What I would suggest doing is subscribe to the RSS feed found at the bottom of this page, and as I resume my travels, the daily blogs will come to your email, alerting you of my resumption of this blog.

I have had a wonderful time, in a large part, because of your participation on this adventure. It's my hope that I will be reading your blogs as you go out and see the world. Anytime you'd like help on setting up a blog such as this, or help posting/taking pictures, let me know. I'd be glad to help!!! Until the next time. Adios


Anonymous said...

What have you been doing since Feb? Your adventures in Mexico were very entertaining, and we don't want the fun to stop - more, please!

Also, that photo of you in the banner is outdated. I think your hair's a bit shorter now, isn't it?

Adventures with Bob and Kat said...

Shame on me...looks like I missed your comment. Looks like there are more adventures in store. Off to Florida next week..and from there..who knows where.
As far as my hair...one never knows, as it's been shoulder length to almost a crew cut. May have to try shaving it all off sometime. What a frigtening thought!!!!

Thanks for stopping by and saying "HI"
