Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 38 On the BIG Bus

In less than 24 hours, I will be heading north on a Frontier flight, much sooner than I would like, but hey all good things got to come to an end....right? I been scouring the newspaper, praying for a Frontier airline mechanic strike, but as of yet, no luck. As I write this, I am sitting in a neighbor internet shop in Guadalajara. I have been here about an hour and have heard at least three separate incidents of what sounds like gunshots. I am not sure but I think there is a cop shop next door, if not the assorted ...duck...cop cars and trucks are there another purpose. I am getting really good at ducking under the computer desk. I had lots of practice in elementary school...Cuban Missile crisis and all. I can duck with the best of them. The locals unflinchingly look at me with a puzzled look...what does loco gringo mean?

The long haul first class busses absolutely rock, as I have mentioned before, with their cushy seats, men and women's bathrooms, hot and cold running water, changing room...and five movie screen placed strategically throughout the bus. My only complaint is that the in spanish with no subtitles. Funny things was there was just a bunch of gringos on the bus most of the way. I left at 12:45 pm arrived here about 6:15pm, fifteen minutes too late to catch the next bus out. Turns out the next bus out is at 11pm...a five hour layover. But you know what? I am ok with it as it gives me one more night in the streets of Mexico, which is been my most favorite part. The street life is absolutely incredible, it is like every night is Friday night, with vendors open until at least eleven with every block having at least two stands selling a wide variety of foods. The seem to love to eat out, even though I would not really call this eating out...more of a social event.

I am not sure why the mexican culture is so social, it might have something to do with the Catholic church being by far and away the most important social institution. Colville with it´s eighteen churches ...duck!!!...almost promotes a certain type of segregation. I know when I was growing up we only seemed to hang with catholic families..now i just seem to hang with heathens...sorry heathens...I mean it as a compliment.

One observation that I have made that I have not mention in previous postings, is that all the highways have crosses, I suspect where someone met an untimely death in an automobile. At one time, roads in Washington were also marked with crosses where fatalities had occured. Imagine my relief when I found out the yellow and black traffic signs actually indicated an intersection....I think it was when I was taking my drivers test that I realized that. For some...this should not come as a surprise.

Ok..this is unnerving.. As I typed about five paragraphs at another internet place, it shut down when my time was up and didn´t save anything. Probably wasn´t any good anyway and I quess that´s the universes way of telling me to rewrite it. So here goes again...wish me luck. Oh, quick tip, if you are working on a public computer I recommend saving your work every five minutes, or you could learn the hard way, like me! ...duck..

After spending about five hours in Guadalajara on the streets walking in not so good neighbor hoods, I was getting a bit hungry and decided to eat at one of the outdoor eateries. I had a chicken sandwich, which was great, peppers and all. As the bus was leaving in about twenty-five minutes I decided to check in earler. It´s a good thing I did as I got lost...in a bus station. I thought there were sections to the bus station based on my incoming trip....turns out there are about twelve sectons, I swear, spanning about a mile. I got there with plenty of time, but I was a little unnerved, as I always considered myself unable to get lost. Should have known...there were busses involved. After about an hours driving we finally got to the outskirts of Guadalajara. I don´t know if I mentioned it or not, but the population of this city is 4.5 milllion people...that´s like all of Western Washington. Once on the road I was able to get several hours sleep and felt rested when the bus arrived in PV at 4:3o. I should also mention, I woke up several times about two hours out of PV and the moon was shining brightly over the coastal mountain range and the open expansive valleys...it was very magical. And heres a little astronomical reminder, at least for here and hopefully home...the is a total lunar eclipse starting arount 9 and ending around 11...alsways fun to view.

Once at the bus station, I was actually able to get a little sleep in one of the lobby benches, hopefully I wasn´t drooling too bad. About 6 I headed to the airport to try to cash a travelers check and buy a cup of starbucks. I know...the coffee is terrible, but to be honest I haven´t had a good cup of strong coffee in weeks....so...anyway they weren´t open so off to PV I went..Best quit here as it´s already the next day...will write soon... Flight leaves for Denver at 8:10 and then off to Seattle the next day...Should be home in Colville late Monday...Oops...shouldn´t warn anyone I´m coming...could be a lynching party, as I´ve been getting alot of nasty e-mails from snowbound ex-friends....Ciao!!!

Will post pictures..most taken from the bus...tomorrow..and will let you know how the secound leg of the bus trip....duck!!
Link to Pictures
Hey Rochelle...save the apartment...I will be back!!!

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