Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 32 - Catching up

This has been a real down day. I decided to catch up on some things and stay close to the nest. One of chores was to get more pictures online using Picassa and web albums. It's a fairly easy process but with 130+ pictures it's a bit of a task. As time allows I will continue to move the blog from to have about 23 more days of daily postings to move and probably 300 to 400 pictures...but guys and girls are worth it!!!

Might not even post anything other than this on the blog unless something important happens...its 7pm...and it looks unlikely. Did help Mike with setting up some recording software. I wish he'd cut another album as it's been over 10 years since he did the first one. Oh...and washed some clothes and hung them up on the clothesline...they dry in about an hour. Ok...thats enough.
Maybe today would be a good day to reflect on some of my observations.
Here they are in no particular order:

On public bathrooms - Almost all bathrooms here are pay-to-use unless they're in a restaurant or large department store. If you are easily grosssed out...step away now. No toilet papers is to be flushed down the toilet if there is a waste basket next to it. Undoing 54 years of habit is near impossible, but I'm making small gains.

On the bus system in general - in a previous life's this guys (I never saw a women busdriver nor has anyone else) were all gladiators in the roman empire. Their ruthless, agressive driving is better than any amusement ride. Lines are merely suggestion, as are speed limits. I also recommend they put a seat cushion on the steering wheels, as most the time they are sitting on the horn...must get bonus points this way!!! The other thing that really bothers me, they all have gigantic, large as life, crucifixes somewhere nailed near to the window, probably in the line of vision, that must act as some unseen insurance policy.

More on buses in Mexico -
there are no maps or time tables, no speed limits or rules, all tourists are fare game, where bonus points can be made by dropping them as far away from their intended destination as humanly possible, and I know for a fact they all speak perfect english, but never around americans.

On the dogs of Mexico - never in my life have I ever seen such ragtag assortment of critters. But the strange thing is, they all look like they've been eating well, even the ones that I've seen on the roofs of many houses. Not sure how a rotwieller or a german shepherd on a roof is going to prevent a burglary, unless they have great leaping power. And in the land of Chihuahua's I've only seen several...always wearing a nice cutesy-wootsy sweater. How absolutey charming...and riduculous. Of course I'm a little jaded as I've been only been bitten twice by dogs , once by a Chihuahua with an attitude and another I'm had a little Chihuahua blood in it, just the right enough amount to make it rabid.

Those that know me, know I have an opinion about absolutely everything. Now, here's your chance to find out what my opinion is about anything having to do with Mexico. I'm far from being an authority, but that's never stopped me before. Be sure to post your question under the comment section. I will be sure to get back to you right away. As soon as I finish that last bootle of Corona!

Until tomorrow!!!

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