Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 40 - Is it possible

Wokeup this morning, of all things, with an VERY upset stomach. Could it be that Montezuma, had finally extracted his revenge after all the time. Was it the combination burrito, or maybe the chicken sandwich I had by the bus station the previous day in Guadalajara. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this ain't what I think it is.Several year back I ventured into the border town, of Ciudad de Juarez, just south of El Paso, Texas. I had heard the mantra. don't drink the water...don't drink the water....nobody said anything about drinking the ice tea. After about a week and a half, I decided to see a friend of mine, who happens to be a naturpath, and he gave me the cure. It's not a weight loss plan I would recommend.
The pictues above are the the line that wraps around me from the front of the checkin line to the back halfway down the terminal, looks like there is a mass exodus from Mexico. I best jump inline as the last thing I want, is to be stranded in Mexico...I think after five weeks, I'm ready to come home...if only for a week or two :). Home last.

Update: Denver 6:33p.m. I've said this before but it bears repeating...I'm in this for the adventure. Denver is one big airport, almost as big as the Guadalajara Bus Station, and I swear I've walked every square inch, on all three levels. I guess if I get real bored I can go through the ten story parking garage.
After missing my flight yesterday in Puerta Vallarta, I was reissued a ticket today, guaranteeing a flight from PV to Denver, but a standby ticket for the return leg between Denver and Seattle. After claiming my bags at the carousel, walking to the Frontier ticketing counter, which felt like three miles, refusing to check my bags in, going through the secuity check WITH ALL OF MY LUGGAGE, and then being told that I probably wouldn't be able to check the flight tonight as they've overbooked. I don't wan't to sound like I'm whining, cuz nobody likes a whiner....but I think I'm ready to be home in Colville.

I will say one thing the TSA representative, the guys and girls that work the security, are one very understanding bunch. The bags that would normally be checked in, had to come through the scanner. Turns out the scissors I had in my shaving kit weren't long enough to be a security concern, but my bottle of Kahula...was. I'm sure I could be more of a threat with scissors than with a bottle of coffee flavor liquor. I wonder if I could have just drank it there. That wasn't one of the options they gave me. Next time I travel with Kahula, I'm going to travel with a quart of cream, just in case.
I'm trying to find a lesson here...something that I could pass on to my children or maybe to fellow travellers. I guess next time I'm going to tatoo, permanently, my flight itinerary on my forearm or maybe in reverse print on my forehead. It's a small price to insure my sanity. Not too long ago, I saw a movie with Tom Hanks, about a man that was stuck in an airport terminal in New York. I can only hope that I don't repeat any of the scenes from this great movie. I think I need a shave and maybe a shower, as there seems to be about a thirty foot buffer around me.

It looks like it's going to be a long night. I'd get a hotel, but based on my flight last month, I know getting anywhere near Denver is a fifty dollar taxi ride, each way. I love capitalism, especially the way it operates in an airport...five dollar beers, twenty dollar dinners, but I guess it's got Mexico you don't have to pay to use the restroom. I don't want to sound like a religious zealout, but I just looked up and saw a five dollar bill crumpled, on the floor...The Lord works in mysterious ways....I'm buying a beer...and now I'm looking for a twenty for dinner.

Newsflash: Denver 8:32 MST
I may be on the next flight out of here thanks to a Frontier Counter Agent, who has given me hope! Throughout my forty day trip, all negative events always turned into something positive. I quess that's the power of positive thought. A thousand Thank you's Leslie. I know if I don't make this flight you did everything you could. Next time they confiscate my Kahlua I'll make sure they save it for you.

Update: 9:01 pm MST - I just got my boarding pass, Frontier Flight 837 Departing at 9:40, arriving Seattle 11:33.. thanks again to St. Leslie, the patron saint of wayward travellers. I'm starting to be my smiley old self once again. Until tomorrow. Sorry not much on pictures today, in fact everything I've taken is included in todays blog. An airport is pretty boring when it comes to photo ops...except for taking pictures wonderful people.

I boarded the plane, had an uneventful flight, and was met by my son Matt around midnight. I'm not sure how I feel about being back in the states. Part of me missed the routine that comes with living in community for as long as I have, the other part was thriving on the constant bombardment of the senses. I would hope to return someday soon.

I will continue to post until I return home. I quess I better find some entertaining things to do while in Seattle. Hope to heard back from Jason Webley about his friends only bash on Saturday. It would be perfect as I started my first day away from Colville, at the Jason and Reverend Peyton concert and would love to finish with the concert of Saturday night.

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