Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 26 - Bob in Wonderland - Wednesday, February 6th

Day 26 - Bob in Wonderland
Wednesday, February 6th

After a night of trying to stay warm by making sure that no part of my body was exposed to the cool night air, I woke to the sound of the birds in a nearby tree. For some reason several hundred white egrets roost in an Eucalyptus tree about 100 yards from my window...quite a sight...and a sound.
After a quick...very quick...cold shower (turns out the pilot light went out overnight on the waterheater), I went to Mikes cottage for a quick cup of coffee and then we were off on a very crowded to town. Mike is teaching English as a Second in a very exclusive Catholic High School, where the enrollment is 2,600 U.S. dollars a month...youch. He showed me the school and then I was off to explore a brand new city.

Even though I was about 1 1/2 miles from the center of town, it was very easy to find as long as I could see the spire of the church - La Parroquia, Church of St. Michael the Archangel. Many times I would drop into a narrow cobblestone street and lose sight for a block or two. Fortunately, I was born with a good sense of direction and within minutes I was standing at the base of this church built in the mid 1500's - incredble. This was the oldest thing I'd ever seen having never been to Europe.

I will try to post most of the good pictures that I took today. I can truely say this was one of the most incredible places I've ever visited. Around every corner was some incredible sight. The library in this town fills a square city block with a central open and airy courtyard. And surrounding that were small rooms with books or computer or desks. Off the courtyard were cobbled brick stairways leading to yet more rooms. Turns out this library has the second largest collection of english books and periodicals.

I'd heard that there was a very large population of american ex-pats who over the years have built a large eclectic community of artists and musicians. In a town of about 83,000, its been speculated at least 7,000 of them once called the United States home. They seemed to be all over the place, painting...sketching or playing a musical instrument of one sort or the other, especially in the park located directly adjacent to the large cathedral. The four hours that I had to kill waiting for Mike to finish up teaching went by incredibly fast. Funny thing I met is new girlfriend Magali at the library quite by accident. Mikes new girlfriend, is from France, though she hasn't been there much in the past 10 years. The two of them met while taking English as a Second Language class in Guadalahara. I will only say this, Mike is one very lucky man!!!

Turns out there is an Internet Cafe called Cafe Etc. located just across from the Library and there is where I'm to meet Mike. This place is a hangout for the American ex-pat crowd. I could see that if I didn't watch out I could spend ALL of my time in here talking to all the unique patrons here. Turns out a husband and wife from Conneticutt were there and 3 hours later, at three different locations with them its finally time to head back to Mikes for a great homemade dinner of tortillas, chicken from a local shop in town, guacamole and goat cheese. I'm afraid those reading this may be knocked over the edge, not by the weather, but more by the great mexican cuisine. I promise when I get back I will treat you all to some authentic mexican food!!!

Mike and Magali on the patio at home

One little note- the gentleman that I met at Cafe Etc., sister was one of the founding members of the radical 60's group - the SDS. It was interesting afternoon of great conversation.

One last thing- turns out Doc Severinson lives here and 3 days a week, plays with a small trio at the Bella Italia Restaurant. May have to check out this fine trumpet player from the old Johnny Carson show!!!

Till tomorrow!!!

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