Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 29 - Hangin' wit my homies.

Sort of a strange day, or should I strange night, in that there was a couple of bands playing at Atotonilco about a half mile away. The music played until at least three a.m., followed by what sounded like mortar fire for the next several hours. And if that was not enough, a Catholic mass was being performed over a mega speaker system interspersed with a cacophony of clanging church bells...all this before six in the morning. In fact it was so loud, and relentless, rather than trying to ignore it, I opened my door to the patio. Figured if you can't beat, join 'em...The final chorus consisted of crowing roosters, barking dogs and cooing doves.

At about seven, I couldn't stand it any longer, I had to see what all the ruckus was aboutl I got dressed in my Sunday's finest ( was only jeans and a polo shirt) and off I went to town. I was mildly disappointed by what I saw. I expected to see smoldering ruins of the old church, drunken townspeople...and maybe a few deafened dogs laying in the street, but instead found merchants readying booths for todays market. I quess I'd just have to come back later...and that's what Magali (I'm now forced to call her Maggie because I've had the most difficult time pronoucing her name), Mike and myself do mid-afternoon.

By this time the market is packed with vendors of all kinds of religious ware, pottery, wooden chairs, and assorted trinkets and then interspersed with food booth. All of my vegetarian friends might want to quit!
~~~~~~~ 1 potato
~~~~~~~ 2 potato
~~~~~~~ 3 potato
~~~~~~~ 4 potato
~~~~~~~ more!!!

I had a bowl of menudo. If you don't know what it is, let the curousity go, if you do know, I apologize. I think the last time I had a bowl of this traditional mexican New Year's soup was January 1, 1980 at a restaurant on White Pass Washington. It may be another twenty-eight years before I sit down to another bowl of menudo. I must say I'd did enjoy the spiciness of this chili based soup. Thanks to Richard Taylor and his incendiary five-alarm pickled peppers that prepared me for this day.

Ok can continue reading from here - sorry Bob if you're reading this. Hopefully you're still talking to me when I get back.

I also revisited the inside of the church and took a few more pictures. Today, I felt just a bit awkward as there were a handful of people either sitting in the pews or genuflecting on old tatered leather-bound kneelers...brings back some haunting memories from my childhood...torture at it's finest!!!

Heading back the three of us had a leisurely stroll back to the casita. Mike has invited some friends from town over for a potluck dinner. Should be an enjoyable evening. John and Nina just left for home. What an enjoyable couple! They are both teachers from the upper N.E. United States, who between the two of them could fill a shelf full of books with their personal stories. The bad thing is the night just went by way to quickly. I seem to spend more time in SMA talking to people than sight seeing....and I guess that's not a bad thing when the company is as great as it is here.

Just as the early morning start with a bang, the late night did as well, though the evening's entertainment was provided by none other than Mother Nature. A nice electric storm came in just about the time the sun set and lasted well into the night....BRAVO!!!

A little sidenote
Just received a picture from my daughter, Kelly, showing the piled up snow at home...eek!!!

How do you say "I hate snow" in Spanish?
They don't ...cuz it don't snow here!!!

I should hide these Pictures taken today
Buenos noches - Roberto

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