Monday, April 8, 2024

πŸ• What exactly does pet insurance cover

"From the dog's point of view, his master is an elongated and abnormally cunning dog."
- Mabel Robinson

Happy Monday! Here's the scoop: 
Did You Know...?
How long can it take to get rid of fleas on a dog?

(scroll to the bottom to find the answer!)
Can Dogs Eat Bugs?
Dogs can get into all kinds of things while playing and exploring outside, and bugs are a common feature outdoors. So what happens when they catch one in their mouth? You might be wondering if it's safe. It depends on what kind of bug they get entangled with.

Eating bugs can be amusing for dogs. They see something moving and decide to pursue it. Whether it's curiosity or just entertainment, it's pretty normal for dogs to attempt to snack on a bug. 

Some insects can carry diseases or be potentially harmful to your dog. Spiders and caterpillars can be dangerous and toxic, and it would also be harmful for them to eat a mouthful of bees. Eating fleas can also cause dog tapeworms, so preventative medications are important. Heartworms come from mosquitos in warmer climates, so it's best to keep dogs away from mosquito-infested areas and keep them on heartworm preventatives as well.

If you know your dog was snacking on bugs while playing outside, watch for any signs of swelling or bites. Contact your vet if you have any concerns. And if you see pet food and treats made from insects, that is safe. 
Things to Know About Pet Insurance Coverage
Pet insurance could help you handle some big expenses at the vet's office, but sometimes, it's hard to understand what it covers and what it doesn't. Before you decide to purchase a plan, here is some basic information about what is typically covered and what isn't. 

Pet insurance covers:
  • Accidents - Most plans cover unexpected vet expenses that come from accidents. Broken bones, snakebites, and items that have been swallowed causing blockages. Policies help cover expenses for tests, surgery, and medications.
  • Illnesses - Some plans include illnesses like infections, allergies, arthritis, and cancer. There may be some limitations on the types of treatments and options like acupuncture might not be covered. 
Pet insurance usually does not cover:
  • Preexisting conditions - You cannot buy a policy after your pet has exhibited symptoms of any illness or injury. Some policies will pay to treat curable conditions, but it's not common.
  • Preventative care - Many expenses are not covered under insurance, like spay or neuter surgery, annual checkups, and vaccinations. These are routine care and some policies offer these as an add-on.
  • Pre-deductible costs - Insurance deductibles have to be paid first, so if a treatment costs $300 and your deductible is $500, then insurance won't pay anything.
It's important to know that many policies have a waiting period between purchasing the policy and covering an injury, so you can't just purchase pet insurance after your pet is injured and expect it to be covered. Read the small print on your policy options to make sure they work for your family. Check reimbursement rates, claims process, and policy limits. 
Maximizing Savings on Dog Care: Tips for Frugal Pet Parents

As beloved members of our families, dogs bring immense joy and companionship into our lives. However, the costs associated with their care can add up quickly. For frugal pet parents, finding ways to save money on dog care without compromising their furry friend's well-being is paramount. Here are some savvy tips to help you maximize savings while ensuring your dog receives the care they deserve.

Firstly, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue organization instead of buying from a breeder. Adoption fees are typically much lower than the cost of purchasing a dog, and many shelters provide initial vaccinations and spaying/neutering services, saving you even more money.

When it comes to essentials like food and treats, buying in bulk and taking advantage of sales and discounts can significantly reduce costs over time. Additionally, opting for store-brand or generic pet foods that meet nutritional requirements can be more budget-friendly without sacrificing quality.

Regular grooming is essential for your dog's health and hygiene, but professional grooming services can be expensive. Investing in high-quality grooming tools and learning to groom your dog at home can save you hundreds of dollars annually.

Moreover, prioritize preventive healthcare to avoid costly vet bills down the line. Keeping up with vaccinations, dental care, and flea/tick preventatives can help ward off illnesses and maintain your dog's overall well-being.

By implementing these money-saving strategies, frugal pet parents can provide their dogs with the care they need while keeping their finances in check. With a little planning and resourcefulness, you can enjoy the companionship of your furry friend without breaking the bank.

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DOTD - Meet Rascal & Dusty
These two dogs are so excited about spring that they've dressed up to celebrate. Rascal, a 16-year-old pup, is dressed as a flower picked right from the garden. Dusty, who is just one year old, is dressed as a butterfly. We love the adorable seasonal headwear. Thanks, Jacklyn, for sharing them!
Image courtesy of Daily Dig reader Jaclyn
Effective Strategies for Reducing Anxiety in Your Pup
Anxiety in dogs is a common concern among pet owners, as it can affect their well-being and behavior. Fortunately, there are several proven methods to help alleviate anxiety in your furry friend, promoting a happier and healthier life for both of you.

Understanding Canine Anxiety: Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety due to various factors such as separation, loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or past traumas. Recognizing the signs of anxiety in your pup, such as excessive barking, trembling, or destructive behavior, is crucial in addressing their needs effectively.

Create a Safe Environment: Establishing a safe and comfortable space for your dog can provide them with a sense of security. Designate a quiet area in your home where they can retreat when feeling anxious, equipped with their bed, toys, and familiar scents. Consider using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or soothing music to further enhance their environment.

Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Physical activity is essential for reducing stress and anxiety in dogs. Ensure your pup receives daily exercise through walks, playtime, or interactive toys to expend excess energy and promote relaxation. Additionally, engaging your dog in mental stimulation activities such as puzzle toys or obedience training can help distract them from anxious thoughts.

Consistent Routine and Positive Reinforcement: Dogs thrive on routine, so maintaining a consistent schedule for feeding, exercise, and bedtime can provide them with a sense of predictability and stability. Additionally, use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and gentle petting to reward calm behavior and build their confidence.

Consultation with a Professional: If your dog's anxiety persists despite your efforts, consider seeking guidance from a veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist. They can offer personalized advice and may recommend interventions such as medication or behavioral therapy to address your pup's specific needs.

Conclusion: Reducing anxiety in your pup requires patience, understanding, and a multifaceted approach. By creating a safe environment, providing regular exercise and mental stimulation, maintaining a consistent routine, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can help your furry friend lead a happier, more relaxed life.

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Thanks to NativePath for sponsoring The Daily Dig!
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Did You Know:
  • ✅ Did You Know: 90 days.
  • 🐢 DOTD: Give your pup the spotlight by submitting them for the dog of the day! This month's theme is dogs in spring. This could be anything from your pup playing in the rain or sun, to your dog modeling some spring-inspired garments. Reply to this email with the best pics of your pooch, a short description, and their name to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
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