Saturday, September 23, 2023

After Arrest, OB-GYN Was Allowed to Keep Working at Columbia (Newser Deep Dive)

Newser Newsletter
September 23, 2023
In July, OB-GYN Robert Hadden was sentenced to 20 years behind bars after being convicted of federal sexual abuse charges, with hundreds of victims reportedly left in his wake. A disturbing new deep dive from ProPublica, however, reveals that the prison sentence came despite, not thanks to, Hadden's employer for decades: Columbia University, which was "deeply involved in containing, deflecting, and distancing itself from the scandal at every step." Keep reading
A growing number of rural hospitals have shuttered their delivery units, forcing pregnant women to travel for care or face giving birth in an emergency room, reports the AP. Fewer than half of rural hospitals now have maternity units, prompting government officials and families to scramble. Keep reading
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Jessica Blanchard has become an expert in knowing when an overdose is likely to be fatal—all by listening to the person on the other end of the phone line. Writing for Slate, Mary Harris and Aymann Ismail explain Blanchard is an operator for Never Use Alone. Keep reading
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The hits just kept coming for Mike Erickson. The California man lost his home in 2016 in the face of medical debt incurred by wife Crystal's stroke, which partly paralyzed her. Keep reading
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