Saturday, June 29, 2024

Amateur Sleuth Uncovers a Wild Stolen Bike Network (Newser Deep Dive)

Newser Newsletter
June 29, 2024
A customized bicycle these days can run $10,000, which goes a long way toward explaining why bike theft has evolved from the "quaint" days of yesteryear into a criminal enterprise, writes Christopher Solomon at Wired. (Think neighborhood-roaming trucks equipped with ladders. Keep reading
If the plastics industry is to be believed, a new type of chemical recycling called pyrolysis is poised to solve many of the well-documented—and alarming—problems with plastic. The only hitch? Keep reading
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Doctors Stunned: Do This for 15 Mins Per Day and Watch Your Stomach Shrink
Increase your strength and tone your belly muscles with this incredible machine that harnesses EMS technology. Thousands of seniors in the US have tried it and are shocked with the results. KEEP READING

Marissa Lasoff-Santos and the person she would marry quickly fell head over heels in love. Lasoff-Santos was a gay woman. Keep reading
The cheeseburger emerged a century ago, not too long after the dawn of refrigeration, and it's no mere coincidence, writes Nicola Twilley in the New Yorker. If you tried to make one from scratch—harvest grain for the buns, slaughter a cow for the meat, grow some lettuce and tomatoes, age cheese, you'll find that the timing is all but impossible without refrigeration. Keep reading
When Darlene Barlow Stubbs was growing up in Short Creek, Arizona, she wasn't allowed to have toys, a bike, or even books. Under the new leadership of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prophet Warren Jeffs, a sect of the Mormon church, strict changes in what was allowed shifted the tightknit community's contact with outsiders. Keep reading
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