Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Last Remaining Shakers Are Ages 67 and 86 (Newser Deep Dive)

Newser Newsletter
September 21, 2024
"The youngest Shaker in the world is 67 years old, and his name is Arnold," writes Jordan Kisner in the New York Times Magazine. That would be Brother Arnold Hadd, to be precise, who joined the Shaker community at their Sabbathday Lake village in Maine at the age of 21 and hasn't left. Keep reading
The group known as 764 is infamous for some of the most depraved online harassment targeting children. On apps such as Discord, where moderation is easily skirted, predators groom minors until they obtain collateral, like nude photos, from them. Keep reading
Before she went to the hospital in Santa Rosa, California, to deliver her fifth child, Susan Horton ate a Costco salad with poppy seeds. You can probably see where this is going: The hospital drug test turned up a false positive for opiates, and social services placed her baby in protective custody at the hospital. Keep reading
Jalil Muyeke was the victim of Internet scammers. But as Tara Siegel Bernard writes for the New York Times, "the masterminds behind these schemes didn't drain his bank account." Keep reading
From the Archives
Jules Kroll is arguably the world's most famous private eye, and he was seeking a redemption piece, writes Simon Shuster for Time. The 80-year-old New Yorker was looking to give an interview, and Shuster obliged. Keep reading
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