Monday, March 29, 2010

A new day...a new adventure..Mexico City


Maybe before I left I should have went to seen a shrink, but it's too late. Ticket booked, rides arranged, hotel secured, and I'm all set to wake at 4:30, and be on the road at 5, with a departure time from Seatac Airport at 7:03. The reason for my trip, is neither business, nor pleasure but ROMANCE. I've been asked can't you find somebody at least in your own time zone? I guess not. My 56 years of character building I think as scared away all the good eligible females. So off to Mexico City I go to meet a very inviting senorita. Maybe it she spoke a word of English, I wouldn't have stood a chance! Ok I'm kidding about that. Cristy, my new amore, is a English/Spanish translator, and I swear she has a better vocabulary than me. I've threatened to challenge her in a game of online scrabble, but I'm afraid that I would get a virtual thrashing. Those that know me well, know that I DO NOT like losing at that game. In addition to being a professional interpreter she is also a very accomplished artist.

The plans are for me fly into mexico city, check-in at a hotel, and she'll pick me up in the morning and then it's off to Coatepac, a city just outside of Jalapa, about a 5 hour drive SE of Mexico City.

Mexico City should be interesting place, as it's been in the news recently with gang violence and kidnapping. The kidnapping is something I've never worried about much in my travels. One look at me and they realize that nobody going to pony up any money for this sorry looking traveler. I just need to work on my bullet dodging abilites. It turns out I'll be down there the week leading into Easter, a very active week seeing that the large minority of Mexicans are Catholic. Though it's been many, many, many years since I've stepped inside a catholic church at Easter, it might happen this year. I just hope I don't get struck down by lightning.

Well morning going to come quick but I thought I'd post a bit about the upcoming day for those that care to know a bit more. I've been a bit secret about this, as I wasn't totally sure I was going until I booked the tickets last night. Ok..I'm sure many of you are saying- BOOKED YOUR TICKETS LAST NIGHT, what kind of traveler are you? Well I've been watching airfare Seattle to Mexico City for the past month, and this particular Tuesday flight hasn't varied a dime. It's amazing that I"m able to fly from Seattle to Mexico City for $177.00 one way. I have yet to buy my return, knowing that I may never want to come back, or be forced out of the country the next day...the next 24 hours will be very telling...wish me luck!!!


U. Kaye said...

Wow, great air fare though, it is so funny the way you described why you shouldn't be the candidate for the object of kidnapping in Mexico City. It seems like you have abundance of admiration and care for your new partner. I have feeling you will enjoy staying down there with celestrial energies. Keep in touch........Kaye

Unknown said...

What happened in DF? Left hanging by a thread again...was one year ago. Lots cn happen in a year. That first minute after meeting someone online can be a "deal breaker" eh?
