Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 1 - Colville to Seattle Saturday January 12th
After many last minute errands I was finally able to escape the big city of Colville. Some of you I'm sure were wondering whether I was ever leaving. Rumor had it that there was even friendly wagering on IF I was ever leaving. Last odds were 20 to 1. All I can do I say I'm sorry to those that lost the bet. I owe you a beer at Chip's when (if) I get back.
I finally made it over to the rainy side of the state around 6 pm and did a little shopping at my favorite electronics store - frys. Then it was off in search of the tractor tavern in Ballard. Turns out I shouldn't have been in such a hurry as the doors didn't open unitl 9:30 and after the longest soundcheck in history, the show finally started at 11.
Jason opened the show with 5 songs- the last being the drinking song. If you haven't been to a Jason Webley concert he gets everyone artificially intoxicated by spinning around in circles while staring up at their finger. Having never seen the drinking song with an actual drink in my hand, it made it an entirely different experience.

Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band was well worth the wait. The energy of this band would surely power a small town such as Colville, if could only get him to come our way (I'm working on that)
With my camera phone, I took some video of the concert and hope to have it posted. Here is a picture of Jason on stage at the Tractor Tavern (click image for full size image). Also took some videos..will have to figure out utube and post them.
One sad note- as I was driving over Deanna phoned me with some very sad news - her niece Rachel Dow passed away at the early age of 29. If there was ever a sweetheart of a girl...SHE was it. Video Link

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